LITS Research Tutors offer peer-to-peer research support and instruction for students as well as general research assistance for faculty, staff, and members of the public. By providing assistance in course assignments involving library research, citation and attribution questions, and RefWorks, a citation management service supported by Hamilton College, LITS Research Tutors specialize in information fluencies.
Throughout the academic year, including evenings and weekends, LITS Research Tutors offer personalized service to LITS patrons at Burke Library.

Devin Outhavong

Research Tutor

Class: 2025
Major: Chinese, Japanese
Areas of Expertise:RefWorks

Hailey Desai

Research Tutor

Class: 2028
Major: Biology
Areas of Expertise: Source retrieval and navigation, citation assistance and RefWorks

Isabella Ocava

Research Intern

Class: 2025
Major: Environmental Studies
Areas of Expertise: Source retrieval and navigation, Web of Science, GreenFILE, Agricultural and Environmental Science Collection, citation assistance and RefWorks

Lena Klink

Research Tutor

Class: 2025
Major: Government, French
Areas of Expertise: Source retrieval and navigation, citation assistance and RefWorks

Lula Dalupang

Research Intern

Class: 2026
Major: Biology, Sociology
Areas of Expertise: Source retrieval and navigation, citation assistance and RefWorks

Nguyen Vo

Research Tutor

Class: 2025
Major: Economics, Japanese
Areas of Expertise:RefWorks

Sarah Hurley

Research Tutor


Class: 2028
Major: Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Source retrieval and navigation, citation assistance and RefWorks

Zachary Neiss

Research Tutor

Class: 2027
Major: Neuroscience
Areas of Expertise:
Source retrieval and navigation, citation assistance and RefWorks


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