Through independent projects, the Senior Program, research with faculty members, and summer internships, Hamilton provides an increasing number of opportunities for students to engage in significant — often publishable — research at the undergraduate level.

Hands-On Collaborative Research

Summer Research

Hamilton offers its students outstanding opportunities to conduct research in all disciplines. Approximately 120 students receive grants each summer.

Publish & Present

Whether it’s during the academic year or the summer, Hamilton students collaborate with professors on original research. Often their work results in articles published in peer-reviewed journals or in presentations at national conferences. 

Student Stories

During the academic year and over the summer, Hamilton students put into practice the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, lab, and studio. Every student graduates having completed a capstone experience, which typically involves significant research or an original artistic creation. Here are some recent examples.

Geoscience students in Tenerife

Experiential Learning: Education Outside the Classroom

At Hamilton College, learning transcends geographic boundaries and traditional methods, providing students with unique and memorable experiences that bring their material to life.

illustration by Chrissy Crespo

Art Meets Science

Not only did Associate Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck and 20 students and recent graduates from his lab co-author the peer-reviewed cover article for the Nov. 22, 2024, issue of Organic Letters, but one of those students – Chrissy Crespo ’25 – designed the cover.

A farm in Lees Valley, New Zealand.

Kucinskas, Strong Awarded $346K NSF Grant to Study Rural Perceptions of Climate Action

Associate Professor of Sociology Jaime Kucinskas and Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Aaron Strong were awarded a National Science Foundation grant from the Sociology Program. Under the five-year $346,149 grant, they will study rural community perceptions of climate action pathways in New York, New Zealand, and Sweden.


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