
Guides and Services

Faculty Services

Learn about technology and support for research projects and courses that span campus disciplines.

Resource Guides

More than 70 guides to help you discover and incorporate the resources you need into your projects.

New Employee Guide

This guide provides a brief overview of services, technology, resources and policies available to you as a new member of the Hamilton Community, and your responsibilities in using them.

New Student Guide

While most newly purchased laptops will perform adequately, IT has a few recommendations to help guide you with your purchase, including information about receiving Microsoft Office for free on our resources for new students page.

Working Remotely

Resources and support for students, faculty, and staff working from off-campus.

Department Directory

Frequently Used
Circulation 315-859-4479 askcirc@hamilton.edu
Digital Scholarship Collaborative (DiSC) 315-859-4788 disc@hamilton.edu
IT Help Desk 315-859-4181 helpdesk@hamilton.edu
Research Support 315-859-4735 askus@hamilton.edu
All LITS Departments
Acquisitions 315-859-4491 asktobuy@hamilton.edu
Audiovisual Services 315-859-4120 avs@hamilton.edu
Business Intelligence and Web Services 315-859-4932
Cataloging 315-859-4383 jfwillia@hamilton.edu
Central Information Services (Colleague) 315-859-5247 cis@hamilton.edu
Circulation and Reserves  315-859-4479 askcirc@hamilton.edu
College Archives 315-859-4471 askarch@hamilton.edu
Computer Repair (CCNY Tech) 315-859-4171 ccnytech@hamilton.edu
Desktop Integration Services 315-859-5347
Digital Scholarship Collaborative (DiSC) 315-859-4788 disc@hamilton.edu
Institutional Research 315-859-4084 oira@hamilton.edu
Interlibrary Loan 315-859-4484 askill@hamilton.edu
IT Help Desk 315-859-4181 helpdesk@hamilton.edu
Jazz Archives 315-859-4071 mrowe@hamilton.edu
Library Access Services 315-859-4485 bbohsted@hamilton.edu
Resource & Digital Strategies 315-859-4487 sfoley@hamilton.edu
Network Help Line 315-859-5638
Research & Instructional Design 315-859-4735 course-support@hamilton.edu
Special Collections 315-859-4705 cgoodwil@hamilton.edu

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.