  • Tae Hyun Lim, the Data Science/Analysis Research Librarian, will be conducting a Microsoft Excel workshop. Novices to the MS Excel are strongly recommended to attend. The workshop will cover topics such as installing and registering Microsoft Excel, loading and exploring data on Excel, using basic functions, and creating basic graphics on Excel. The workshop will take approximately one and a half hours. Students interested in the workshop are encouraged to

    When  6:00 p.m. Monday, January 27
    Where  Burke Library Couper Classroom, Map #45
  • Introducing new Hamilton employees to the tools and resources that will make your Workday experience seamless and effective.

    RSVP Required

    When  12:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 29
    Where  Virtual Hamilton
  • Introduction to CITRIX and STATA workshop for Economics students. Novices to the CITRIX environment and STATA are strongly recommended to attend. The workshop will cover topics such as installing and registering CITRIX, opening STATA on CITRIX, accessing your files on CITRIX, and loading and exploring data on STATA on CITRIX. The workshop will take approximately one and a half hours. Students interested in the workshop are encouraged to SI...

    When  6:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 29
    Where  Burke Library Couper Classroom, Map #45
  • STATA Refresher workshop for Economics students. Students with some STATA experience who want to refresh their skills are strongly recommended to attend. The workshop will cover topics such as basic data manipulation and visualization. The workshop will take approximately one and a half hours. Students interested in the workshop are encouraged to SIGN UP on this sheet, although walk-ins are welcome. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN LAPTOPS.


    When  6:00 p.m. Thursday, January 30
    Where  Burke Library Couper Classroom, Map #45
  • Tae Hyun Lim, the Data Science/Analysis Research Librarian, will be conducting a Microsoft Excel workshop. Novices to the MS Excel are strongly recommended to attend. The workshop will cover topics such as installing and registering Microsoft Excel, loading and exploring data on Excel, using basic functions, and creating basic graphics on Excel. The workshop will take approximately one and a half hours. Students interested in the workshop are encouraged to

    When  6:00 p.m. Monday, February 3
    Where  Burke Library Couper Classroom, Map #45
  • Please join us for the following presentation: 

    Naomi Guttman, Jane Watson Irwin Professor of Literature and Creative Writing

    More Than You Can Know: A Marriage Story (2024)

    The lunch series, “Celebrating Faculty Achievements,” features new scholarship from 2020 to present by faculty and staff authors, and is sponsored by Ngoni Munemo, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, and Joe Shelley, Vice President for Library and Information Technology Services.

    Lunch will be provided. 

    When  12:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 5
    Where  Burke Library Stryker All Night Reading Room, Map #45
  • Tae Hyun Lim, Ph.D. (tlim@hamilton.edu), the Data Science/Analysis Research Librarian, will be conducting the Introduction to R workshop. Novices to the CITRIX environment and R are strongly recommended to attend. The workshop will cover topics such as installing and registering CITRIX, opening R Studio on CITRIX, accessing your files on CITRIX, and loading and exploring data on STATA on CITRIX. The workshop will also cover installing and using R and R Studio on students' own machines. The workshop will take approximately one and a half hours. ...

    When  6:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 5
    Where  Burke Library Couper Classroom, Map #45
  • Tae Hyun Lim, Ph.D. (tlim@hamilton.edu), the Data Science/Analysis Research Librarian, will be conducting the Data Visualization in R workshop. Students with some R experience who want to refresh their skills are strongly recommended to attend. The workshop will cover topics such as basic data manipulation and visualization. The workshop will take approximately one and a half hours. Students interested in the workshop are encouraged to SIG...

    When  6:00 p.m. Thursday, February 6
    Where  Burke Library Couper Classroom, Map #45
  • Tae Hyun Lim, Ph.D. (tlim@hamilton.edu), the Data Science/Analysis Research Librarian, will be conducting the Introduction to R workshop. Novices to the CITRIX environment and R are strongly recommended to attend. The workshop will cover the same topics covered in the workshop provided on Wednesday, February 5, such as installing and registering CITRIX, opening R Studio on CITRIX, accessing your files on CITRIX, and loading and exploring data on STATA on CITRIX. The workshop will also cover installing and using R and R Studio on students' own m...

    When  6:00 p.m. Monday, February 10
    Where  Burke Library Couper Classroom, Map #45
  • Tae Hyun Lim, Ph.D. (tlim@hamilton.edu), the Data Science/Analysis Research Librarian, will be conducting the "Data Visualization in R" workshop. Students with some R experience who want to refresh their skills are strongly recommended to attend. The workshop will cover the same topics covered in the workshop provided on Thursday, February 6, such as basic data manipulation and visualization. The workshop will take approximately one and a half hours. Students interested in the workshop are encouraged to

    Where  Burke Library Couper Classroom, Map #45


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