Resource guides, tutorials, learning modules, and expert guidance for creating and contextualizing digital media

Resource Guides

LITS Guides

LITS offers more than 70 guides to help you discover and incorporate the resources you need into your projects. A number of guides include step-by-step instructions for creating digital projects. Browse guides by digital capability using the drop-down menu below.

Learning Modules

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an online educational platform that helps you discover and develop business, technology-related, and creative skills through expert-led course videos. Sign in with your Hamilton username and password to access content.

LITS Learning Modules

LITS offers a small but soon to be growing number of learning modules on technology-related topics. Browse learning modules by digital capability using the drop-down menu below.

Make a selection above to view the results.

Data Analysis

  • R

    This learning module explores R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. Upon completing the module you will be able to:

    - Understand the RStudio Interface, R file types, and R Markdown document format.
    - Conduct basic data wrangling and visualization using R.

    Self-enroll at the BlackBoard course site.

  • Stata

    This learning module introduces Stata 16 through videos, examples, exercises, and general resources. Upon completing the module you will be able to:

    - Understand the Stata Interface and file types.
    - Conduct basic to intermediate data wrangling and visualization using Stata.
    - Conduct basic to intermediate quantitative analyses using Stata.

    Self-enroll at the BlackBoard course site.

Information Literacy

  • Information Fluency and Research Skills

    Interactive online tutorials enhance student learning and development of information fluency. These short tutorials on finding a topic, citing sources, and building annotated bibliographies can be used to support individual course assignments or broad subject overviews.

TECH Trainers

Librarians, technologists, and student tutors are all available to help with your research and technology needs. You can stop by the Research and Design Desk in Burke Library during most of the library's open hours or make an appointment.

Talk with a LITS Specialist

Make a selection above to view the results.

3D Modeling

  • Forrest Warner

    Instructional Designer, Digital Innovation fwarner@hamilton.edu 315-859-4076 3D printing - photogrammetry

Audio and Video Production

  • Bret Olsen

    Instructional Designer, Digital Arts and Student Manager bolsen@hamilton.edu 315-859-4099 animation - video production

  • Ben Salzman

    Instructional Designer, VR/AR Technologist bsalzman@hamilton.edu 315-859-4575 music and audio production

  • Forrest Warner

    Instructional Designer, Digital Innovation fwarner@hamilton.edu 315-859-4076 drones - podcasting - vídeo production

Extended Reality

  • Ben Salzman

    Instructional Designer, VR/AR Technologist bsalzman@hamilton.edu 315-859-4575

Graphic Design and Visualization

  • Bret Olsen

    Instructional Designer, Digital Arts and Student Manager bolsen@hamilton.edu 315-859-4099 animation - layout design - photography

  • Deborah Reichler

    Senior Educational Technologist dreichle@hamilton.edu 315-859-4082 story maps

  • Forrest Warner

    Instructional Designer, Digital Innovation fwarner@hamilton.edu 315-859-4076 drones - web design

Information Literacy

  • Glynis Asu

    Research Librarian, Peer Learning & Student Manager gasu@hamilton.edu 315-859-4482 Biochemistry/Molecular Biology ~ Biology ~ Chemical Physics ~ Chemistry ~ Computer Science ~ Environmental Studies ~ Geoarchaeology ~ Geosciences ~ Mathematics ~ Neuroscience ~ Physics ~ Psychology

  • Reid Larson

    Research Librarian for Scholarly Communication and Digital Initiatives rslarson@hamilton.edu 315-859-4480 American Studies ~ Anthropology ~ History ~ Literature and Creative Writing ~ Philosophy ~ Sociology

  • Lynn Mayo

    Research and Electronic Resources Librarian lmayo@hamilton.edu 315-859-4746 Art and Art History ~ Economics ~ Education Studies ~ Government ~ Women's and Gender Studies

  • Kristin Strohmeyer

    Research and Community Engagement Librarian kstrohme@hamilton.edu 315-859-4481 Africana Studies ~ Asian Studies ~ Classics and Ancient Civilizations ~ Dance and Movement Studies ~ History ~ Literature and Creative Writing ~ Medieval and Renaissance Studies ~ Middle East and Islamic World Studies ~ Music ~ Religious Studies ~ Russian Studies ~ Theatre

  • Alex Wohnsen

    Research Librarian for Digital Initiatives and Experiential Learning awohnsen@hamilton.edu 315-859-4321 Cinema and Media Studies ~ East Asian Languages and Literatures ~ First Year Experience ~ French and Francophone Studies ~ German and Russian Languages and Literatures ~ Hispanic Studies ~ Latin American Studies ~ Opportunity Programs

Spatial Analysis

  • Deborah Reichler

    Senior Educational Technologist dreichle@hamilton.edu 315-859-4082 mapping

  • Forrest Warner

    Instructional Designer, Digital Innovation fwarner@hamilton.edu 315-859-4076 drones - photogrammetry



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Burke Library

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