American Communal Societies Quarterly Publications
American Communal Societies Quarterly, Volume 18, no.1 - January 1, 2024
January 1, 2024

Tags American Communal Societies Quarterly
- From the Editor
- The Rise of Anti-Masonry in Western New York and Its Connection to the Rise of Mormonism by Bruce A. Van Orden
- “There’s no combination, so firm as freemason”: William Wines Phelps — New York Journalist, Mason, and Anti-Mason by Michael W. Homer
- A “Prophet to Your Father”: Martin Harris and the Printing of the Book of Mormon by Rick Grunder
- The Key to William Morgan’s Jail Cell in Canandaigua, New York by Christian Goodwillie
Front cover illustration: The original copyright title page for the Book of Mormon filed June 11, 1829. Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Back cover illustration: Rick Grunder photographing the key to William Morgan’s cell at St. Patrick’s Lodge, No. 4, Johnstown, New York, June 22, 2023. Photograph by Christian Goodwillie.