
American Communal Societies Quarterly, Volume 16, no. 3 - July 1, 2022

Tags American Communal Societies Quarterly
  • From the Editor
  • Priests and Martyrs: The Second Engraved Title Page of Ephrata’s Martyrs Mirror by Jeff Bach
  • Document: Ein kleiner Abriss von denen Irr- und Abwegen, derer von Gott gerufenen Seelen by Ezechiel Sangmeister
  • “Eat, and drink, and be merry”: A Clash Over the Opening of a Benedictine Brewery in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America by Philip Chivily
  • The Unfortunate Shaker Cemetery at Watervliet, Ohio  by Richard Spence

Front cover illustration: The second engraved title page of the Martyr’s Mirror. Courtesy of the Muddy Creek Farm Library. Back cover illustration: Detail from the second engraved title page of the Martyr’s Mirror. Courtesy of the Muddy Creek Farm Library.

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