The R&ID team helps students gain skills in video and audio production, which are organized in the following three stages.
  1. First, students undergo pre-production during which they plan their projects by storyboarding, writing scripts, choosing locations for production, and anticipating necessary tools.
  2. Production then involves filming video and/or recording audio using equipment.
  3. Finally, students utilize various software platforms during post-production to edit video and audio content to then produce a final product. 

Course Support

Typical Assignments
  • audio recordings, podcasts, presentation, videos
Common Tools & Resources
  • Hardware: audio recorder, microphones, tripod, video camera
  • Software: Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere, Audacity, GarageBand, iMovie, Logic Pro, Panopto
R&ID Specialists
  • Sacharja Cunningham, Bret Olsen, Ben Salzman
Courses (2018-19)
  • ANTHR 215 - Anthropology of Muslim Youth / Mariam Durrani (podcast)
  • ANTHR 310 - Crossings & Transgressions: On Migration and (Im)Mobilities / Mariam Durrani (audio recording)
  • ANTHR 347 - Visual and Media Anthropology / Arjun Shankar (video)
  • ART 213 - Introduction to Video / Ella Gant (video)
  • ART 313 - Advanced Video / Ella Gant (video)
  • CLASC 374 - Ancient Egypt / Shelley Haley (podcast)
  • ENVST 150 - Environmental Science & Society / Jason Townsend (podcast)
  • HSPST 323 - Re-Imagining Nation in Films / Edna Rodriguez-Plate (video)
  • LIT 334 - Jane Austen: Text and Film / John O'Neil (video)
  • MUSIC 117 - Art of Active Listening / Robert Hopkins (presentation)
  • MUSIC 270 - Introduction to Music, Sound, & Technology / Ryan Carter (video)
  • RELST 304 - Religion and Media / S. Brent Rodriguez-Plate (video)
  • SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology / Matthew Grace (podcast)
  • WMGST 401 - Theories of Sexuality / Dylan Blackston (podcast, video)

Of Interest

Explore some projects, articles, and other sites related to video and audio production that have piqued the interest of the R&ID team.

Everything Is AliveEverything is Alive

Everything is Alive is a podcast unlike anything you’ve ever heard. It’s an interview show in which all the guests are inanimate objects. In each episode, producer and host Ian Chillag talks with a different “thing” about its life story. Besides the fact that the objects can speak, everything they say about their world is true.

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