
Last updated: July 11, 2024

The Article Database displays articles in a sortable and searchable table.

Example of Article Database

  1. Click on the Add to Main Content button and select the Article Database module.
  2. Mouse over the module and click on Edit.Article Database help 0
  3. Select the first option and select a source from the drop down menu to display articles from an existing database.
  4. Select the second option to create a new Article Database.
  5. Click Continue.

Displaying an Existing Article Database

  1. Enter a title into Module Title to have a title displayed above the database.
  2. Change Module Type, click Save Settings, and refresh the page if you want to create a new Article Database instead of displaying an existing one.
  3. Select the Master Database that you wish to display articles from.
  4. If the Master Database that you chose is organized by Tags, you can select which Tags to display articles from. Leaving all boxes unchecked will display all articles from the Master Database.Article Database help 2
  5. Check the box under Alphabetize Articles to order articles with the same publish date alphabetically.
  6. Under Display Type, choose to display either just a title or a title, summary, and image for each article.
  7. Under Show, select the number of articles to be displayed at a time.
  8. To allow the user to search the Article Database, check Allow Search and then check the databases that the user will be able to search through. This should usually be the same as the Master Database that you selected earlier.
  9. Click Save Settings.

Creating a New Article Database

  1. Click on Add new Article or navigate to the Article tab to create a new article.
  2. Enter the Title and Author of your article. 
  3. Published is the date that your article was published, leaving it blank will automatically set it to the current date.
  4. The Summary is a short description of the article, while the Body is the full text of the article.
  5. Select whether to display comments below the article and whether to include an image or video. Additional help with adding media can be found here.
  6. To sort the articles by Tags either check existing ones or create a new Tag by entering its name in the space provided and clicking add.
  7. Click Save Article to add the article to your database.Article Database help 3
  8. Existing articles can be edited or deleted in the Listing tab.
  9. Tags can be created, edited, or deleted in the Tags tab.
  10. In the Comments tab, you can choose to require a moderator to approve comments before they are displayed on the site.Article Database help 4
  11. In the Settings tab you can:
    1. Enter a title into Module Title to have a title displayed above the database.
    2. Change Module Type, click Save Settings, and refresh the page if you want to create a new Article Database instead of displaying an existing one.
    3. Check the box under Alphabetize Articles to order articles with the same publish date alphabetically.
    4. Under Display Type, choose to display either just a title or a title, summary, and image for each article.
    5. Under Show, select the number of articles to be displayed at a time.
    6. To allow the user to search the Article Database, check Allow Search and then check the databases that the user will be able to search through. This should usually be the same as the Master Database that you selected earlier.
  12. Click Save Settings.


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