Employee Reference Guide
Getting Started
College policies, which have broad application across campus and affect multiple constituencies, are compiled on a webpage. For policies with a narrower focus please visit the appropriate divisional or unit website.
The logo design of the Chapel cupola — with its unique quill weather vane — signals the College’s historical roots and our commitment to clear and effective oral and written communication. The consistent use of this logo with the Hamilton wordmark on stationery, brochures, banners, the website and wherever Hamilton College signs its name helps solidify our place with our many constituents. The College’s Style Guide outlines the proper uses for the logo and wordmark and should serve as a guide as you help us present the College. If you have any questions, or to obtain printer-ready files of the logo, please contact Communications and Marketing.
The College issues employee ID cards known as the Hill Card. The Hill Card may be used for library privileges, Fitness Center access, golf course access and admission to College events. The card also provides door access for card-access controlled buildings on campus.
In addition, the Hill Card provides a safe, easy and convenient way to make purchases on campus through declining balance privileges at campus dining halls, the Diner, FoJo Beans, Euphoria Coffee, the Box Office and the Barnes & Noble college store. The Mail Center and Print Shop also accept the Hill Card, and it may also be used at public copiers and vending machines.
Members of your immediate household (spouse/partner and dependent children) may obtain a Facility Access Card if they wish to take advantage of Campus facilities.
You can use the link below to view the services, technology, resources and policies available to you as a new member of the Hamilton Community, and your responsibilities in using them.
During the academic year employees may buy food at the Howard Diner, The Little Pub or at the Dining Halls in Commons or McEwen. The dining facilities accept payment via the Hill Card and cash. These food service establishments are operated by Parkhurst Dining and are normally closed when classes are not in session. Dining services are also provided by FoJo Beans (McEwen Hall and Taylor Science Center) and Euphoria Coffee (Sadove Student Center).
On-Campus and External Mail Procedures
- Please separate mail into the following four categories and rubber band: U.S. mail, Canada and Mexico mail and all other international mail.
- Keep unsealed envelopes “nested” together, with the flaps open and like sizes and weights together (still separating U.S., international, etc.), with the exception of envelopes with flaps on the end. These cannot be sealed by our postage meter and should be sealed by you.
- If your name or department is not imprinted on the envelope, please print or type this information under the return address section. Otherwise, the Mail Center must open the envelopes to determine their origin for billing purposes.
- Notify the Mail Center of the budget line when charging mail to restricted or other special accounts.
- On first and second day air envelopes, write your department name, or the department to be charged, under the reference number.
- All personal mailings will be on a cash, personal check, credit card or Hill Card.
Overnight Mail
The College has a contract with UPS for overnight mail. Overnight letters and packages must be at the Mail Center no later than 3 p.m. UPS supplies are available from the Mail Center. There are a few rural areas where UPS cannot guarantee overnight delivery. Only in this situation should Federal Express be used.
Please visit the Mail Center website for detailed information regarding Mail Center hours and services.
The Print Shop provides copying and printing service to all offices on campus.
Please visit the Print Shop website for copyright information, Print Shop services and guidelines and the Print Shop Service Request Form.
The Print Shop will also work with employees on personal orders, subject to availability.
The Administrative Services Office establishes the College’s procurement policies and procedures and provides procurement services to the departments.
All purchase requisitions for goods & services should be processed through Workday. View the job-aid for Purchase Requisitions for Goods & Services for an overview of how to create and manage purchase requisitions.
General Supplies If you need assistance in obtaining competitive pricing or assistance with any campus purchasing, please call ext. 4998.
Office Supplies
The College currently has an exclusive office supply contract with W.B. Mason.
Copy Paper/Stationery/Envelopes
All copy paper should be ordered directly through W.B. Mason. In keeping with our sustainability initiative, we ask that campus offices only purchase 100% recycled content copy paper. Please see the W.B. Mason website for recommended papers. Department stationery and envelopes should be ordered directly from the Print Shop. Please contact the Print Shop at x4626 for additional information.
Personal Purchases
Members of the Hamilton Community may make personal purchases from W.B. Mason and receive the benefit of the College's discount. The appropriate sales tax will be applied. Please contact the Assistant Director, Auxiliary Services, ext 4998, for ordering information.
Computer Repairs
To arrange for repair of computer equipment, contact CCNY Tech on campus ext. 4171 or email ccnytech@hamilton.edu.
Fax Machine Service
Fax machines are not covered under any maintenance agreement. Repairs are made on a time/materials basis. Please contact Ed & Ed Business Technology, Inc if you have a fax machine that needs repair at 315-853-4111. Supplies for faxes can be purchased through W.B. Mason.
Copier Supplies All leased copiers are covered under maintenance agreements with Ed&Ed. All copier leases include supplies (except paper and staples) at no extra cost. Please contact Ed&Ed at 315-853-4111 should any machine service be needed. Paper and staples should be purchased through WB Mason.
Need something repaired? Furniture moved? The Facilities Management Office has an online work order system.
As an alternative if you do not have access to email, call ext. 4235. Describe your work request in as much detail as possible. Include the building, room number(s), your phone number, and the type of work that is needed and identify you as the contact person. You must also have an account number available. Departments will not be charged for "regular maintenance" (e.g., repairing a faucet that leaks, replacing a light bulb, etc.) but will be charged for other services such as moving furniture, installing shelves, etc. Work outside regular maintenance will not be completed until a charge number is provided. Contact the Work Control Assistant, ext. 4235, if you are unsure whether you will be charged for a specific request.
The College Events and Scheduling Office uses 25Live for event management and space scheduling. Any College employee can request space for basic meetings and events that don’t require any support services using this system. Training is offered for those that will need services (set ups, tech support, food service) for their events.
Contact the Assistant Director of Campus Scheduling, ext. 4402, to set up an appointment for training. Contact the College Events & Scheduling Office collegeevents@hamilton.edu or ext. 4243 with any questions about scheduling an event.
To arrange for catering of campus events, use Parkhurst Dining’s online ordering system.
Should you determine that an outside caterer is preferred; you are responsible for coordination of all details and regulations for off campus caterers as well as take-out and delivery services. Any off site caterer must provide the following in advance of services: a copy of the Oneida County Board of Health license and proof of liability insurance coverage. Access to on campus kitchen facilities is not available to off campus caterers. If any liquor is served by an off campus caterer, a special event liquor license is required and liquor liability coverage must be included in insurance. Copies of these documents should through campus mail or faxed, ext. 4300, to the attention of the Administrative Services.
Any group using restaurant take out or delivery for an event must submit a food waiver form listing any items to be served. For information regarding obtaining a good waiver, support for menu planning and general food safety, contact the Associate Director of Conferences & Summer Programs, ext. 4372.
Hamilton-Owned Accommodations
Arbor Inn
Managed by Hamilton College, The Arbor Inn is located at 3919 Griffin Road in Clinton.
Bristol Center Guest Rooms
Hamilton’s Bristol Center offers College visitors the opportunity to lodge on the campus. 12 guest rooms and hospitality lounge are located on the fourth floor, a private floor that requires key access.
The College has developed a Travel Policy to establish and communicate equitable standards and effective procedures to facilitate travel while on college business. The policy applies to all individuals whose travel expenses are paid by the College.
The College is exempt from federal and state taxes. The tax exemption applies to general purchases and travel support expenses. If you are traveling within New York State on business, it is possible to receive the tax exemption on all travel support expenses including lodging, meals and car rental expenses.
When making any purchase on behalf of the College, please provide the vendor with a copy of the College’s tax-exemption form so that sales tax is not charged. Tax exemption forms are available online or from Administrative Services, ext. 4998.
A wallet-sized tax exemption card is issued with a corporate credit card. A full-sized copy of the tax exemption certificate is available under the forms section of this website. Copies of the exemption certificate or the wallet-size card can also be obtained from the office of Administrative Services by contacting Jennifer Mayer at 315-859-4998.
If an employee fails to obtain the sales tax exemption, the College will not reimburse sale tax paid on purchases over $100. The College has reciprocal tax-exempt status in several other states. Some restrictions apply. For detailed information, please visit the Administrative Services website noted above.
Employees and their families may use athletic facilities of the College without charge, subject to regulations and schedules issued by the Physical Education Department provided such use does not interfere with physical education classes, intramural and intercollegiate sports and other scheduled student athletic activities. These facilities include tennis courts, squash and racquetball courts, swimming pool, ice skating rink, field house and fitness center. Children under 12 years of age who wish to use any of these facilities should be accompanied by an adult, unless they are participating in a college-organized recreation program, such as an instruction group in swimming or basketball. Older children should carry a Facility Access Card to avoid being confused with ineligible users.
Human Resources