Kirkland Endowment Update
Background on the Kirkland Endowment
In the fall of 2009, a subcommittee of the Committee for Kirkland College formed to address concerns and clarify the use of monies in the Kirkland Endowment. The Endowment SubCommittee has been working closely with the Kirkland Endowment Advisory Committee, Hamilton's Administration and Board of Trustees as well as current Hamilton students. Some of the money in the Endowment has been designated as restricted funds, often by the donor. These include the Chuck Root Lecture Series, the Samuel Babbitt Fellowship, and the Jane Irwin Professorship.
The subcommittee's focus is on the unrestricted funds in the Endowment. Its goal is to ensure the legacy of Kirkland will continue to live on at Hamilton, especially as Kirkland alumnae "age out" of the process. To that end, the committee has made the following recommendations:
- To provide funding for Kirkland Scholars for Hamilton women who exemplify the Kirkland spirit
- To provide funding to support Kirkland Fellows who can engage in internships, student-faculty research and collaboration
- To provide programming at Hamilton that will engage students and increase the presence of Kirkland College and the Endowment
The subcommittee is developing a stronger, more transparent governance structure for the Kirkland Endowment Advisory Committee. The function of the Advisory Committee wil be one of collaboration with Hamilton while continuing to follow the original goals of the unrestricted Kirkland Endowment funds.
The work of the subcommittee is an ongoing process, involving dialogue with all the interested parties. The subcommittee will continue to report its work to Kirkland alumnae through the web page and, if needed, e-mail communication.
Full CKC recommendations for the Kirkland Endowment July 24, 2009
Office / Department Name
Alumni & Parent Relations
Contact Name
Jacke Jones
Director, Alumni & Parent Relations