
Registration for Reunions '25 opens in February.

Until then, check out highlights from last year! More than 1,100 alumni, family, and friends returned to Hamilton to reconnect with old friends and make new memories at Reunions ’24.

Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association

This event included the readings of the Kirkland Class of 1974 Half-Century Annalist Letter by Beth Kneisel Krumeich K’74 and Carol Goodman Kaufman K’74 and Hamilton Class of 1974 Half-Century Annalist Letter by Ed Watkins ’74. President Wippman addressed the assembly and the Bell Ringer Award was be presented to George Baker ’74.

Alumni Colleges

A reunion tradition, Alumni Colleges highlighted the accomplishments of graduates and provided a rich educational program to balance the social activities of the weekend.


Office of Alumni Relations

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.

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