Most students at Hamilton take four courses per semester. You need 32 courses to graduate.
Currently, 15 courses are either required by medical schools or recommended for MCAT preparation. So, pre-med courses will comprise nearly one-half of your undergraduate education.
Hamilton’s liberal arts focus, and its open curriculum offer an incredible opportunity to explore subjects outside the sciences you may be interested in. 

Choosing courses that pique your interest will broaden your knowledge and shape you into a well-rounded individual. You should cherish this quality, and medical schools also highly value it.
Developing a tentative four-year course plan is crucial in understanding and managing your pre-med workload. It allows you to visualize your academic journey and strategize your coursework effectively.

 It is very likely that you will have to modify your schedule to accommodate a course being offered only in the fall or spring, not getting into a class due to a bad registration time, or changing your mind about what major you wish to pursue.


Contact Name

Courtney Hance

Director of Health Professions Advising

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