
Role and Responsibilities

The Multicultural Peer Mentoring Project also accepts general peer mentors each year to be paired with an incoming first-year student. These students must fill out an application and potentially attend an interview with the head peer mentors (depending on how many people apply and how many spots we approximately have). Once accepted, students complete a brief training course outlining expectations, tips and tricks, and campus services they may be unfamiliar with. Once back on campus, peer mentors attend a welcome dinner to be matched up with their mentee. 


  • Serve as an energetic and enthusiastic volunteer to help first-year students succeed at Hamilton
  • Develop and maintain relationships with and provide assistance and support for first-year students (focus on a smooth transition, acclimation and a sense of belonging)
  • Serve as a resource for students new to the College
  • Participate in training, programs, and activities
  • Attend individual and group meetings
  • Serve as a positive role model

Eligibility and Qualifications:

  • Rising sophomore, junior or senior
  • Good academic and social standing
  • Reside at Hamilton throughout the fall and spring semesters (no study away/abroad applicants accepted)
  • Willing to learn and share information about the Hamilton College community, student life and campus resources
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Genuine desire to help their peers succeed
  • Demonstrated leadership potential
  • Self-motivated with a positive attitude
  • Willingness to learn about different cultures


  • Foster close relationships with new students
  • Enhance leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Contribute to an inclusive and welcoming campus culture
  • Experience the satisfaction of helping others

If you are interested in becoming a peer mentor or have any questions contact the current Head Peer Mentors at mp2@hamilton.edu.

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.