Spanish-Only Pledge
Juramento sobre el uso del español
Me comprometo bajo palabra de honor a hablar solamente español durante mi estancia en el Programa Académico en España de Hamilton College, según las normas establecidas al respecto por Hamilton College, ya sea que esté en Madrid o de viajes fuera del territorio español, en el salón de clases o en una fiesta, en una excursión del programa o en un bar con mis amigos. La única excepción a esta regla es en caso de emergencia o cuando el interlocutor no hable nada de español.
Bajo este juramento me responsabilizo a tomar acción si escucho a otro estudiante hablar otra lengua que no sea español. Por ejemplo, tengo que decirle al Director Residente del programa de Hamilton College tan pronto como sea posible que he escuchado a otro estudiante hablando inglés, u otra lengua, ya que es responsabilidad de todos que el español sea la única lengua hablada dentro y fuera del programa.
Acepto que, de romper este compromiso, tendría que abandonar el programa inmediatamente sin ser consultado al respecto. Así lo manda el Comité del Programa Académico en España de Hamilton College.
Spanish-Only Pledge
By my signature below, I affirm on my honor that I will speak Spanish, and only Spanish, while participating in the Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain, according to the rules of the program, and I will abide by their provisions when I am in Spain or when I am traveling outside of Spain. I will only speak Spanish during class and outside class, while at the Center or away from the Center, during the program excursions or in a bar with my friends. The only exception to the Spanish-only rule will be in case of emergency or when the other person with whom I am communicating does not speak the language.
I understand that if I suspect or witness violations of the Spanish-only rule, I am obligated to respond by taking appropriate action. For example, I will have to report the suspected violation to the Resident Director as soon as possible. All members of the Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain are expected to be truthful in presenting testimony and to fully cooperate with the Resident Director.
I have read and understood the Spanish-only rule, and I understand that if I violate these provisions I will have to leave the program immediately, without being consulted, as stipulated by the Committee of the Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain.
Printed Name: _____________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________________
Students this year have been self-policing regarding the Spanish-only rule. Students will be expelled if they violate the Spanish-only Pledge.
Contact Name
Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain