Frequently Asked Questions


Welcome to the FAQ page, where answers to common questions about processes and systems are provided.

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Workday is a modern, cloud-based, enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that will allow us to better manage employees, students and college finances. Workday is more secure, more intuitive, and many processes are streamlined.

In July 2024, we will implement Workday Platform which includes HR, Benefits, Payroll, Time and Absence, Budgets, Expenses, Grants, Requisitions and Spend Authorizations

In 2027, we will implement Workday Student, which includes data for the student experience (e.g. registration, student financial services, and course management).


If you notice any discrepancies in your Workday information, we recommend taking the following steps:

First, check if you can edit the information yourself within Workday. Many details, such as your preferred name, pronouns, and education, can be updated directly by users.

If you're unable to edit the information or if the issue requires further assistance, please contact the appropriate office responsible for managing that data. They can help resolve any discrepancies or provide further guidance.

If you are unsure who manages the data, please contact workday@hamilton.edu.

The aim of the Workday project at Hamilton is to streamline processes, automate tasks, and facilitate direct access to data whenever possible.

Initially, using Workday may present challenges and require more time as users adjust to the new system. However, as familiarity grows and tasks are completed, using Workday will become more intuitive.

Communications and training sessions are designed to manage expectations and ensure everyone is prepared to navigate Workday effectively.

The Hamilton directory will continue until we implement Workday Student. However, employees will maintain their information in Workday.

Yes, you will receive action items directly on your Workday landing page in the Inbox section. Additionally, notifications will be sent to your Gmail email account. By default, email notifications are enabled, but you have the option to disable them if needed.

While it is recommended to log into Workday daily, the frequency of logins may vary based on your role, and you may need to log in more frequently to stay updated on relevant tasks and activities

After July 1, Workday will be used to record time, benefits and pay all employees. 

There will be a period of time that the business payment functions overlap as the FY24 year is closed. 

Students will maintain contact information in Colleague. 

If they are student employees, they will maintain their direct deposit information in Workday.

No, TMA will continue to exist.

Yes, initially, only student employees will use Workday for tasks such as submitting timesheets and managing work schedules.

However, as part of Phase 3, Workday for students will be rolled out to all students, expanding its usage beyond employee-related functions to encompass broader student needs. This phased approach ensures a gradual and thorough implementation tailored to the specific requirements of our student community.

Implementing a new ERP system is a significant task, so it's more efficient to divide it into phases. The student system will be done gradually over the course of a complete student lifecycle. This approach ensures a smoother transition and allows us to focus on each component thoroughly.

Workday is compatible with the following web browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari

For optimal performance and compatibility, we recommend using the latest version of these browsers.

Yes, Workday is accessible on mobile devices through the Workday Mobile app, available for both iOS and Android platforms. The Workday Mobile app allows users to access essential Workday features and functionality on the go, providing flexibility and convenience in managing tasks and accessing information from anywhere, at any time.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) at Hamilton College refers to the integrated management of software applications across various business functions, including finance, human resources (HR), and payroll. It involves the seamless coordination and utilization of technology to streamline administrative processes, enhance efficiency, and support the college's operations and strategic initiatives.


Time Off requests can be entered one year in advance and revisions can be entered for requests within the past 90 days.

Yes, employees can View Teams on the absence calendar.


If there is sufficient time, the employee should enter the sick day upon their return to work.

However, both the employee and the manager have the ability to enter sick time into Workday. If the sick day occurs shortly before the timesheet is due, it may be more practical for the manager to enter it on behalf of the employee. 

If you believe there's an error or discrepancy in your vacation balance, please reach out to Human Resources. They can verify your carryover balances and assist in updating your records in Workday if necessary.

Carryover balances from the previous fiscal year are not automatically transferred to Workday for exempt employees. If your supervisor intends to record absences in Workday going forward, they need to communicate your carryover balances to Human Resources. This ensures that you can accurately report any carried-over days in Workday. Otherwise, any remaining balance at the end of the year will carry over as usual.

Yes, if your supervisor has communicated your carryover balances to Human Resources and has opted to use the Absence feature for your office/department.



Life events do not always line up with enrollment periods. If you need to change your coverage because of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or similar life event, you can update your benefits in Workday to better suit your needs.  Please follow the Job Aid for step-by-step instructions. 

Please carefully follow the steps outlined in the Manage My Benefits job aid, specifically in the Add/Change Beneficiary section. 

This process involves multiple steps and can only be submitted once per day. If you encounter difficulties, please email workday@hamilton.edu for assistance — we're here to help.

Dependents are managed specifically for health insurance purposes in the Workday system. You do not need to add them unless it's for a qualifying life event or during open enrollment. For more details, please refer to the Manage My Benefits job aid under Initiate a Dependent Event.


In Workday, you'll use specific processes depending on the nature of your expenses:

  • Spend Authorization: Submit a Spend Authorization for cash advances, airfare, lodging, car rental, and trains. This process gathers pre-approval for anticipated expenses related to business travel.
  • Expense Report: Use Expense Reports to manage corporate travel card charges and out-of-pocket expenses incurred during business activities.
  • Supplier Invoice Request: Use this task to request payments for invoices that are not on a purchase order (under $1500) or for payments to external payees, such as vendors or service providers.
  • Supplier Request: If a supplier is not already listed in Workday, use this task to request their addition along with a W9 form. This is necessary only if the supplier is not already in the system.

  • Worktags are dimensions that help identify financial transactions and categorize them for reporting.
  • Worktags entered on transactions drive workflow. For example, if a transaction requires approval, the Worktags entered may determine who it routes to.
  • Worktags can be organized into hierarchies, which can streamline reporting.

You can use the Cost Center Lookup Tool and Crosswalk to assist in identifying the appropriate cost centers and related worktags.

To select the correct Worktags in Workday, follow these guidelines based on the purpose of your transaction:

Cost Center: Formerly Department and Unit - defaults based on Supervisory Org 

Fund and Program are required, and automatically populates based on Cost Center or selection made in Gift, Grants, or Initiatives. 

User can select  Projects, Clubs, and Startup Funds as needed.

Spend Category was formerly the Object Code.

These worktags help categorize and track expenses accurately within Workday, ensuring proper allocation and reporting.


  • Faculty/Academic Affairs Travel Funding Authorization Form
  • Travel Reimbursement Form
  • Check Request Form
  • Invoice Payment Form
  • W9 Uploader

You will select how you wish to be reimbursed: check or direct deposit. If you have direct deposit set up, that account will be selected as the default.

All receipts must be organized and summarized.  Include an explanation for foreign receipts.  A copy of the currency conversion rate is suggested.


Employees electing the per diem are not required to submit receipts for meals.

Employees may submit receipts for meals rather than requesting the per diem. Receipts must be itemized receipts listing items served, not credit card receipts. The typical restaurant tip for good/excellent service ranges between 15%-20% and cannot exceed 20% of the bill to be reimbursed by the College.

Yes! Using the Workday Mobile App, you can take photos of receipts. Use the Expenses applet to track expenses, upload receipts, and submit expense report while traveling.

You may check the status of your expense report in Workday to see if it is Waiting for Approval, Completed, or Canceled by going to the Expense app, then click on Expense Reports in the View column.  For additional help, please see the Job Aid for Expense Reports.

Manager Role

Student employees who have no hours during a time period do not need to submit a timesheet, nor does the manager need to approve one.

Delegation is used in Workday to allow another manager to initiate or submit/approve time sensitive tasks on your behalf. This is useful if you go out of the office, or if you will not be able to access Workday for an extended period.

To configure Delegations or learn how to access tasks delegated to you, please review the Delegations job aid.

If you catch the issue before the payroll deadline, the employee should make the correction and send it to their manager for approval so that it is reflected on the current check. If the error is discovered after the deadline, the employee should make corrections on the time app once payroll reopens on payday. The correction will then appear on the employee’s next paycheck.

The employee is responsible for entering their sick time into Workday upon their return, or from home via the mobile Workday app. 

In case of exigent circumstances, such as an unexpected absence right before the deadline, the manager may submit the sick time on their behalf if needed.


Yes, your direct deposit information can be accessed under Payment Elections within your Employee Profile in Workday.

Please note, compensation history from prior to June 24, 2024 will not be accessible on Workday. 

Yes, starting from June 24, all links to pay advices will direct you to Workday.

Please note, compensation history from prior to June 24, 2024 will not be accessible on Workday. 

No, pay stubs from the Self-Service system will not be transferred to Workday. If you need access to these documents, please download them from the self-service portal before June 24.

The holiday and other closure dates are automatically populated in the Workday system.

If you take the holiday off (for full-time employees or those on schedules greater than 50%), no action is needed.

If you work on a holiday, simply enter the hours worked as regular; Workday will calculate these hours at 2.5 times the regular rate.

Please note: holiday pay does not apply to temporary employees, those on schedules under 50%, or Hamilton Student workers.


Yes, initially, only student employees will use Workday for tasks such as submitting timesheets and managing work schedules.

However, as part of Phase 3, Workday for students will be rolled out to all students, expanding its usage beyond employee-related functions to encompass broader student needs. This phased approach ensures a gradual and thorough implementation tailored to the specific requirements of our student community.

Implementing a new ERP system is a significant task, so it's more efficient to divide it into phases. The student system will be done gradually over the course of a complete student lifecycle. This approach ensures a smoother transition and allows us to focus on each component thoroughly.

Students will maintain contact information in Colleague. 

If they are student employees, they will maintain their direct deposit information in Workday.

Time Entry

The holiday and other closure dates are automatically populated in the Workday system.

If you take the holiday off (for full-time employees or those on schedules greater than 50%), no action is needed.

If you work on a holiday, simply enter the hours worked as regular; Workday will calculate these hours at 2.5 times the regular rate.

Please note: holiday pay does not apply to temporary employees, those on schedules under 50%, or Hamilton Student workers.

Student timesheets are processed and paid on a biweekly basis.

Managers can adjust their employees' work schedules if necessary. Contact your manager for assistance.

Please edit and configure the Accordion module

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