Class of 1975

Save the Dates: June 5-8, 2025
Plan to arrive on the Hill on Thursday, June 5, 2025. On-campus events begin in the afternoon. -
Get Involved!
There’s still time to join classmates on the Reunion Committee and plan your milestone reunion. -
Memories & More
View items from the College Archives and links to playlists featuring music of the ’70s.
Your Milestone Reunion
Dear Hamilton and Kirkland Classes of 1975,
We are excited to welcome the Hamilton and Kirkland Classes of 1975 back to the Hill from June 5-8, 2025, for your 50th reunion celebration. We hope you will enjoy seeing lifelong friends, make new connections, celebrate your life journeys and achievements, and reflect on memories of your student days!
This is a one-of-a-kind milestone event and is uniquely developed for each class. We encourage you to stay informed and help spread the word to friends. The Classes of 1973 and 1974 have been setting records with their 50th Reunion attendance. Let's keep this great momentum – you will not regret it.
We can’t wait to welcome you back! For more information on how to get involved in your 50th reunion committee, please feel free to contact me directly.
Victoria Kidd ’94
Director of Milestone Reunions
What to Expect

Please plan to arrive on the Hill on Thurs., June 5, 2025 which is a special welcome day for the 50th reunion class. An optional pre-gathering organized by the class may take place in the Central New York region on Wed., June 4. More to follow. On your Thursday arrival, there will be a dedicated 50th reunion welcome and information desk. On-campus events begin in the afternoon. Thursday evening is a 50th class reception and dinner with classmates and guests. The program includes the presentation of the 50th reunion medallions and the presentation of the 50th Class gift to the College President.

Throughout the weekend there will be time to explore the campus, including the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, the Kevin and Karen Kennedy Center for Theater and Studio Arts, the Root Glen, Taylor Science Center, the college bookstore, as well as the many new and old buildings and facilities around campus. There are a number of 50th reunion specific scheduled events, including Hamilton and Kirkland 50th alumni colleges, a golf cart campus tour followed by lunch, the all-alumni parade, the presentation of the half-century annalist letters for Hamilton and Kirkland, and social gatherings. Saturday night is a very special 50th class dinner with music, toasts and your class photo. The reunion concludes on Sunday morning with the Service of Remembrance and a farewell brunch.

The Reunion Planning Committee will be organizing virtual alumni colleges in the winter and spring, and various alumni colleges during reunion weekend. The alumni colleges are individual and panel discussions from members of your class across many areas of interest.
The annual meeting of the Alumni Association is held on Sat., June 7 in the Chapel. The program includes the introduction of the 50th class, choir performances, and the presentation of the Hamilton and Kirkland half-century annalist letters. The Bell Ringer Award is presented at the assembly to a member of the alumni community.

50th Reunion Gift Program
Outright gifts toward a 50th Class Gift designation and/or the Hamilton Fund can be pledged and made over periods of up to five years with the full amount of the pledge crediting the 50th Reunion class total. To learn more about the 50th Reunion Gift Program, including the counting window and ways to contribute, please visit the program’s webpage.
Reunion Planning Committee
Peter Lotto ’75
Hamilton Class President, 50th Reunion Co-Chair
Carolyn York K’75
Kirkland Class President, 50th Reunion Co-Chair
Tami Aisenson K’74, P’12
50th Reunion Co-Gift Chair
Jay Emmons '75, P'07
Co-Gift Chair
Bob Lyford ’75, P’14
Co-Gift Chair
Joe Konen ’75
Co-Gift Chair
Bob Hylas ’75, P’15
Class Correspondent
Pete Arturi ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Peter Bayer ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Paula Behrens K’75
Kirkland Class of 1975
David Brody ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Bob Evans ’75, P’09, ’10, ’12
Hamilton Class of 1975
Bill Ferris ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Shelley Gertzog Cowan K’75
Kirkland Class of 1975
Bill Hooke ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Mike Horn ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Paula Klausner K’75
Kirkland Class of 1975
Joe Lewis ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Kevin McTernan ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Martha Freymann Miser K’75
Kirkland Class of 1975
Susan Neuffer K’75
Kirkland Class of 1975
Mitchel Ostrer ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Glenn Perelson ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
WendyEllen Schacknow Cochran K’75
Kirkland Class of 1975
Tracey Stephens K’75
Kirkland Class of 1975
Daniel Trachtman ’75
Hamilton Class of 1975
Julie Weinstein K’75
Kirkland Class of 1975
Contact Us
- Kirkland ’74 Playlist
- HK ’74 Playlist Recreation of the playlist used at past 1974 reunions
- Michael Bordy’s Playlist
- Favorites from the Class of 1973 - 50th reunion mix: Up tempo selections
- Favorites from the Class of 1973 50th reunion mix: Slower tunes