The Arts & Entertainment industry includes fields such as architecture, movie & theatre production, museums and visual arts and fashion. Hamiltonians in this industry work at places such as the J. Paul Getty Museum, KPF Architecture, Tommy Hilfiger and more.
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Career-Related Experience

To gain experience and develop skills in this industry, consider pursuing a career related experience. Here is a list of ideas to explore:

  • Auction house
  • Children’s program
  • Cultural organization
  • High-school summer program
  • Local artist or craftsperson
  • Local Arts Council
  • Local government, tourism and historical office or society
  • Local museum, gallery or theatre (community, college, or library)
  • Local publication – graphics, photography, or design
  • Non-profit organization with an art or art instruction-related mission
  • Performance space (theatre or arena)
  • Senior Center
  • Summer Arts & Crafts Fair

Not sure where to start? Book an appointment with your Career Coach!

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