Hamilton is committed to meeting the full demonstrated financial need of all accepted students through a combination of scholarship/grant and self-help (loans and work-study). Families apply for financial aid each year so that changes in circumstances can be considered.

Scholarships & Grants

Scholarships and grants represent money that does not need to be repaid. All Hamilton College Scholarships are need-based and awarded based on an annual review of your financial aid application materials. Work-study/campus employment earnings are paid directly to the student (and not applied to the bill).

Need-based Federal Work-Study/Campus Employment

The amount of need-based federal work-study or campus employment offered to a student in their financial aid offer is based on demonstrated financial need. Federal work-study and/or campus employment are considered part of the “self-help” portion of a student’s financial aid offer. 

Students who have not received a need-based federal work-study or campus employment offer may still seek campus employment and apply for on-campus job opportunities via HandShake.

Loans for Students

Hamilton includes loans that will not exceed $3,500 for first-year students. Sophomores will receive a maximum of $4,500, and Juniors and Seniors will be capped at $5,500. U.S. citizens are eligible for federal loans and international students, including Canadian citizens, may be awarded an institutional loan at the same levels. Depending on eligibility, additional loans may be borrowed to offset the family contribution.

Loans for Parents

Parent loans may be available to cover up to the difference between the cost of attendance and financial aid.

Financing Options

While the financial aid award is intended to meet the demonstrated need of each family, many families finance their family contribution over a number of months or years using a monthly payment plan or combination plan.

Application Codes

FAFSA: 002728
College Board CSS Profile: 2286
NYS Residents Tuition Assistance Program (TAP): 0270


Office of Financial Aid