2014 Math & Science Research Participants
2014 Participants Listed by Discipline
Morgan Biggs ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale
Slocan Narrows Archaeological Project: laboratory results from 2011-2013 excavation seasons
Maxwell Lopez ’15
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale
Cultural Landscapes of the Irish Coast
Bridget Maguire ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale
Gournia Survey Project
Emily Rubinstein ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale
Slocan Narrows Archaeological Research
Deanna Cho ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
Characterization of Genomic Indicators in Hypotrichous Ciliates
Laura McCormick ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Myriam Cotten
Biochemical and Biophysical Studies of Antimicrobial and Anticancer Peptide Piscidin
Mason Schoeneck ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Myriam Cotten
Biochemical and Biophysical Studies of Antimicrobial and Anticancer Peptide Piscidin
Milinda Ajawara ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
Fish DNA
Emma Anderson ’17
Advisor: Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology Heather Mallory
Behavioral Study of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
Megan Blair ’16
Advisor: David Gapp, the Silas D. Childs Professor of Biology
The Effect of Medicinal Herb Extracts on Vertebrate Intestines
Thomas Blanchard ’17
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Mike McCormick
Microbial Ecology of Green Lake
Nikole Bonacorsi ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Bill Pfitsch
Invasive Plants
Jonah Boucher ’17
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Mike McCormick
Hannah Corman ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Mike McCormick
Microbial Ecology of Green Lake
Ryan Dorey ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
Anne Emanuels ’16
Advisor: David Gapp, the Silas D. Childs Professor of Biology
Analyzing Pancreatic Tissue of Vertebrates
Blaire Frett ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Bill Pfitsch
The Effect of Invasive Species on Forest Ecology
Alexandru Hirsu ’17
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
Ichthyophthirius multifilus
Ryan Hobson ’16
Advisor: Professor of Biology Herman Lehman
Vitamin C Synthesis in Invertebrates
Alex Jones ’16
Advisor: Professor of Biology Herman Lehman
Vitamin C Synthesis in Invertebrates
Leonard Kilekwang ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Bill Pfitsch
Invasive plants
Lauren King ’16
Advisor: Professor of Biology Herman Lehman
Vitamin C Synthesis in Invertebrates
Sarah Lawler ’16
Advisor: David Gapp, the Silas D. Childs Professor of Biology
Histological Research of Animal Cells (Diabetic etc.)
Christopher Loan ’15
Advisor: David Gapp, the Silas D. Childs Professor of Biology
Investigating Effects of Natural Cathartics on the Gastrointestinal System of Mice
Samantha Mengual ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Bill Pfitsch
Invasive Plant Management
Kathleen Moran ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Bill Pfitsch
Effects of Garlic Mustard on Plant Communities
Shea Nagle ’16
Advisor: Professor of Biology Herman Lehman
Looking at Manduca Sexta Hearts
Philip Parkes ’17
Professor of Biology Herm Lehman
The Origins of Over-Testing: Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test
Benjamin Piegari ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
The Fish Parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
Carly Poremba ’15
Advisor: David Gapp, the Silas D. Childs Professor of Biology
Horticultural and Historical Exploration of Botanico-Vegetable Medicine
Tshering Sherpa ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
Presence of Apoptosis in Unicellular Organism
Patricia Taik ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
Phylogenetic Analysis of the Phylum Nematoda using the Actin, beta gamma 1 gene sequences
Weilin Tang ’17
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
Molecular Characterization of Ichthyophthirius Multifilis
Hannah Trautmann ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Bill Pfitsch
Effect of Reduction to the Invasive Species Honeysuckle to Tick Populations in the Hamilton Glen
Richard Wu ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
Genome Structure of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
Samuel Zimmerman ’14
Advisor: Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang
Developing a New Pipeline to Reassemble the Genome of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
Erik Antczak ’16
Advisor: Professor of Chemistry Karen Brewer
Synthesis and Analysis of Rare Eath Doped Metals
Bryon Banman ’16
Advisor: Professor of Chemistry Karen Brewer
Rare Earth Metals in Sol-Gel Lattices
John Bennett ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck
Organic Synthesis Methodology
Micheal Carducci ’17
Advisor: Robin Kinnel, the Silas D. Childs Professor of Chemistry Emeritus
Esther Cleary ’15
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck
Development of new organic synthesis methodology
John DeGuardi ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Ian Rosenstein
Organic Radicals
Allison Eckert ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Ian Rosenstein
Development of Tandem Radical-Suzuki Coupling Reactions for the Synthesis of Medium-Sized Rings
Bryan Ferguson ’17
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Myriam Cotten
Biochemical and Biophysical Studies of Antimicrobial and Anticancer Peptide Piscidin
Hannah Ferris ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck
Pyrrizolidines and Indizolidines
Andrew Fletcher ’17
Advisor: Professor of Chemistry Karen Brewer
Rare Earth Ion Spectroscopy
Phoebe Greenwald ’16
Advisor: Professor of Chemistry Karen Brewer
Rare Earth Ion Spectroscopy
Geum Mi Kang ’17
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Adam Van Wynsberghe
Computational Investigations of Influenza Neuraminidase Binding Kinetics
Alex Kaplan ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck
Pyrolizidines and Indolizidines
Jedediah Kass ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Ian Rosenstein
Ring opening of the cyclopropylcarbinyl radical
Zachary Klein ’15
Advisor: Robin Kinnel, the Silas D. Childs Professor of Chemistry Emeritus
Ashton Lowenstein ’17
Advisor: Robin Kinnel, the Silas D. Childs Professor of Chemistry Emeritus
The Cryptumaldomide Project
Patrick Marris ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Adam Van Wynsberghe
Computational Investigations of Influenza Neuraminidase Binding Kinetics
Yingbin Mei ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck
Organic Synthesis
Binh Nguyen ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Myriam Cotten
Biochemical and Biophysical Studies of Antimicrobial and Anticancer Peptide Piscidin
Benjamin Schafer ’17
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck
Development of new organic synthesis methodology
David Seavey ’17
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Ian Rosenstein
Introduction of five membered rings onto double bonds
Aida Shadrav ’17
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Myriam Cotten
Biochemical and Biophysical Studies of Antimicrobial and Anticancer Peptide Piscidin
Jonathan Shapiro ’17
Advisor: Instrumentation Specialist Greg Rahn
Analysis of Neonicotinoid Pesticides of Honey and Beeswax in order to assess Colony Collapse Syndrome
Bryce Timm ’15
Advisor: Robin Kinnel, the Silas D. Childs Professor of Chemistry Emeritus
Synthesis of Cryptomaldamide
Richard Wenner ’17
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Adam Van Wynsberghe
Computational Investigations of Influenza Neuraminidase Binding Kinetics
Benjamin Wesley ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck
Development of new organic synthesis methodology
Christopher Williams ’17
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck
Development of new organic synthesis methodology
Grace Williams-DuHamel ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Chemistry Ian Rosenstein
Modified Suzuki Coupling Reaction with Radical Processes
Computer Science
Mykhailo Antoniv ’17
Advisor: Associate Professor of Computer Science Alistair Campbell
Developing a configurable type-safe programming language for beginners
Kelsey Babcock ’17
Advisor: Professor of Computer Science Mark Bailey
Extending shell scripting languages with types
Alexander Cates ’15
Advisor: Stuart Hirshfield, the Stephen Harper Kirner Professor of Computer Science
Brain-Computer Interactions
Eric Collins ’17
Advisor: Professor of Computer Science Mark Bailey
Python library development
Benjamin Drebing ’17
Advisor: Professor of Computer Science Mark Bailey
Reasoning about programming behavior
Philip Ewing ’15
Advisor: Stuart Hirshfield, the Stephen Harper Kirner Professor of Computer Science
Brain-Computer Interactions
Alexis Judd ’17
Advisor: Professor of Computer Science Mark Bailey
Python library/problem set development
Ryan Koven ’16
Advisor: Stuart Hirshfield, the Stephen Harper Kirner Professor of Computer Science
Brain-Computer Interactions
Chris Lee ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Computer Science Alistair Campbell
Developing a configurable type-safe programming language for beginners
Ching Hsuan (Annie) Leng ’17
Advisor: Professor of Computer Science Mark Bailey
Python library/problem set development
Judson Martin ’15
Advisor: Stuart Hirshfield, the Stephen Harper Kirner Professor of Computer Science
Brain-Computer Interaction
Yani Najarian ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Computer Science Alistair Campbell
Developing a configurable type-safe programming language for beginners
Helen Olivo ’17
Advisor: Stuart Hirshfield, the Stephen Harper Kirner Professor of Computer Science
Brain-Computer Interaction
Jack Pierce ’17
Advisor: Associate Professor of Computer Science Alistair Campbell
Developing a configurable type-safe programming language for beginners
Gretchen Walker ’15
Advisor: Professor of Computer Science Mark Bailey
Extending shell scripting languages with types
Reina Weinstock ’17
Advisor: Stuart Hirshfield, the Stephen Harper Kirner Professor of Computer Science
Brain-Computer Interaction
Environmental Studies
Nicole LaBarge ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of German and Russian Languages and Literatures (Russian) Frank Sciacca
Analyzing the Sustainability of Bon Appetit at Hamilton College Using a Life Cycle Assessment
Alexander Boles ’15
Advisor: Visiting Assistant Professor of Geosciences Brian Hough
Assessment of Seasonal Variation of Climate Based on Soil Water and Tree Ring Analysis
Felipe Ramirez ’15
Advisor: Visiting Assistant Professor of Geosciences Brian Hough
Understanding the Effect of the Tectonic and Climate forcings on Lake Basins in Utah
Isabelle Weisman ’15
Advisor: Visiting Assistant Professor of Geosciences Brian Hough
Climate Regimes and Spatial Variation of Holocene Precipitation in the Rocky Mountain Region
Josh Wolpert ’16
Advisor: Barbara Tewksbury, the Upson Chair for Public Discourse and Professor of Geosciences
Satellite Image Analysis of Bedrock Structures in Eocene Carbonates of the Western Desert of Egypt
Benjamin Moody ’15
Advisor: Professor of Mathematics Emeritus Larry Knop
Hannah Zucker ’15
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Psychology Alexandra List
Neuroscience graphic novel
Jacob Davidson ’15
Advisor: Professor of Physics Gordon Jones
Polarization effects in the aCORN apparatus
Olivia Gozdz ’16
Advisor: Professor of Physics Gordon Jones
How Polarization Affects The aCORN Experiment
Alex Grieco ’15
Advisor: Professor of Physics Gordon Jones
aCORN Magnetic Field Correction
Bennett Heussler ’15
Advisor: Professor of Physics Gordon Jones
Hot Filament alignment for the ACORN experiment
Malcolm Katzenbach ’15
Advisor: Peter Millet, the Litchfield Professor of Physics
Impedance measurements of nonlinear acoustic oscillators
Alexander Laing ’16
Advisor: Professor of Physics Gordon Jones
Hot Filament Alignment System for the aCORN Project
Andrew McWhirter ’15
Advisor: Professor of Physics Ann Silversmith
Energy transfer interactions among rare earth ions in crystals and glasses
John Pikus ’16
Advisor: Professor of Physics Ann Silversmith
Chelated rare earth compounds in porous materials: synthesis and optical characterization
Vineeth Rao ’15
Advisor: Professor of Physics Ann Silversmith
Optical Behavior of Rare Earth Based Materials
Todd Roeder ’16
Advisor: Peter Millet, the Litchfield Professor of Physics
Generating and observing ring vortices
Kevin Rovelli ’15
Advisor: Professor of Physics Ann Silversmith
Chelated rare earth compounds in porous materials: synthesis and optical characterization
Michael Verostek ’16
Advisor: Professor of Physics Seth Major
The Consistency of Modified Special Relativity
Eric Wistman ’16
Advisor: Peter Millet, the Litchfield Professor of Physics
Impedance measurements of nonlinear acoustic oscillators
Emmerson Zhaime ’17
Advisor: Professor of Physics Gordon Jones
Analysis Of Data From aCORN Experiment
Rohan Arcot ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Psychology Jennifer Borton
Defensive Self-Esteem and Memory for Self-Threatening Events
Nikole Bonacorsi ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Psychology Tara McKee
Changes in and correlates of ADHD symptomatology in college student
Katherine Callahan ’15
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Psychology Alexandra List
Visual attention: Failures, dynamics and interaction with auditory attention
Joshua DeVinney ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Psychology Tara McKee
Changes in and correlates of ADHD symptomatology in college student
Courtney Hobgood ’15
Advisor: Associate Professor of Psychology Tara McKee
Changes in and correlates of ADHD symptomatology in college students
Alex Mitko ’16
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Psychology Alexandra List
Visual attention: Failures, dynamics and interaction with auditory attention
Abigail Quirk ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Psychology Jennifer Borton
Defensive Self-Esteem and Memory for Self-Threatening Events
Rebecca Rees ’16
Advisor: Associate Professor of Psychology Jennifer Borton
Defensive Self-Esteem and Memory for Self-Threatening Events
Christiana Westlin ’15
Advisor: Assistant Professor of Psychology Alexandra List
Visual Attention: Failures, dynamics and interaction with auditory attention