  • As one of the few surveys of Russian elites - perhaps the only publicly available survey -  conducted since Putin returned to the presidency in 2012, the newly released Hamilton College Levitt Poll, titled The Russian Elite 2016, represents a unique resource. Survey data on whether Russian elites support the more muscular foreign policy that has been pursued during Vladimir Putin’s third presidential term (2012-present) have been largely unavailable–until now. 

  • Recipients of the 2016 Emerson Summer Grants were recently announced. Created in 1997, the Emerson Foundation Grant program was designed to provide students with significant opportunities to work collaboratively with faculty members, researching an area of interest. Twenty-six Hamilton students and 23 faculty members will be working on the following projects this summer. The students will make public presentations of their research throughout the academic year.

  • Theresa Lopez, the Chauncey Truax Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, has been selected as an NEH Summer Scholar from a national applicant pool to attend one of 23 seminars and institutes supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

  • Student and faculty academic and service accomplishments were recognized and President Joan Hinde Stewart was honored at the 66th annual Class & Charter Day on May 9. President Stewart will retire from Hamilton on June 30 after serving the College for 13 years.

  • Hamilton College’s highest awards for teaching were presented to four faculty members during the annual Class & Charter Day ceremony on May 9.

  • Six Hamilton faculty members were recognized for their research and creative successes with the Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Awards, presented by Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds on Class & Charter Day on May 9.

  • Grub Street, a literary and arts magazine published by Towson University, includes a story by Professor of Philosophy Marianne Janack. The piece, titled "Finding the Happy Ending," a short meditation on marriage  (volume 65), can be read here.

  • The Hamilton College Chapter of Sigma Xi, the scientific research society, elected 14 members of the Class of 2016 to associate membership on May 3. The students are: Joelle Baer, John Bennett, Austin Durham, David Freeman, Olivia Gozdz, Elizabeth Larson, Alex Mitko, Eric Nieminen, Lillie Ogden, Abigail Quirk, Kenneth Ratliff, Emily Rubinstein, Michael Verostek and Ben Wesley.

  • Hamilton College’s Class & Charter Day celebration, an annual convocation recognizing student and faculty excellence during the preceding academic year, will take place Monday, May 9, at 4:15 p.m., in Wellin Hall. This year’s ceremony will also celebrate the tenure of President Joan Hinde Stewart, who is retiring on June 30.

  • Several national and regional media outlets included interviews with Hamilton experts in the last few weeks on topics ranging from the decision to keep Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill to new strategies for engaging younger donors. Inside Higher Ed, The Washington Post, NBC News, Roll Call, and WAMC were among the outlets that featured Hamilton.


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