Art and Social Change in Prague
June 29, 2023
Tags Czechia Global Learning Study Abroad
While studying arts and social change in the Czech Republic, Bella Moses never expected to see a Buthoh dance in Prague, create spray paint art in Brno, and participate in a guitar improv project in Slovakia. She did all this and more! She met different artists and activists, worked with many contemporary Czech writers through her creative writing class, learned about Czech history, and even learned some Czech. And by living with a host family, Bella got to see the city from the local perspective through daily conversations and experiences with her family.
As a Creative Writing and Women and Gender Studies double major, Bella appreciated how her study abroad program gave her the chance to explore social and historical issues through the lens of art and creativity. The focus on place-based learning exposed her to various performances, art exhibits, and activist work that complemented and reinforced the in-class discussions and lectures. These activities gave Bella an appreciation for history and reminded her of her love for theatre. One art piece in particular that she saw in a museum served as inspiration for her Women and Gender Studies senior thesis project: Living Dead: Necropower, the Human, and the Flesh in Contemporary Art. Bella's creative experience culminated with an independent project on rituals and poetry, titled What Becomes: Poems from the Ritual Field. Over the course of a month, Bella interviewed people about their personal rituals and then wrote poetry inspired by these conversations.
Bella enjoyed living in Prague and would love to return to this city, not only because of the amazing public transportation. Bella became more comfortable and appreciated having conversations with new people, especially since people were open about their personal experiences and perspectives. Bella enjoyed the feeling of being self-sufficient and confident in a city abroad after having to do many practical, yet uncomfortable, tasks. These lessons, along with lectures, performances, excursions, and everyday conversations contributed to an enjoyable and memorable semester abroad.
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