Community Engagement

The Justice Lab
Formally started in 2020-21, The Justice Lab seeks to pair the theoretical and multidisciplinary study of complex societal challenges with the practical application of these concepts in a local context.
Community Conversations Project
This project teaches students the fundamentals of leading dialogues on topics that are often too difficult or complex for the typical community discourse, and then provides opportunities for students to work with community and college partners to design and lead public conversations. Students train as facilitators in a short workshop prior to the start of the spring semester, with opportunities to organize and facilitate dialogues throughout the spring and potentially continuing into the fall semesters. This is a paid position open to all class years.
Digital Human Rights Investigations Project
This program trains students to use open-source digital media to investigate and document human rights violations worldwide. Research based on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a technique being pioneered by various non-profit organizations and academic institutions internationally to improve transparency and fact-checking of investigative journalism and to strengthen legal cases in the area of international human rights. Details of this program are typically released during the fall term. Here are two movies created by the Spring 2024 Digital Human Rights Investigation Project:
Summer Community Impact Fellows
The Levitt Center Community Impact Summer Fellowship Program is an 8 week, 35 hour per week paid commitment that takes place over the summer. Fellows are asked to take the lead on project-based assignments in collaboration with community-based organizations, Hamilton faculty members, faculty from other institutions, and/or Levitt Center staff to address complex social and public policy questions taking place locally (Utica and surrounding area). Fellows also participate in a reading, reflection, and discussion group connecting the theory and practice of change. Fellows are paid positions open to all rising Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.
Anti-Poverty Internship Program: SHECP
The Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty program is a unique program where students are assigned to carefully vetted anti-poverty internships in both urban and rural areas across the country. In addition to an internship, students will live with a cohort of SHECP interns from other colleges and universities. The Levitt Center and COOP cover the cost of participating and the program provides housing, a modest living stipend, and transportation costs. Hamilton students who choose to do additional reflective work over the summer are eligible for a $1000 educational award that is applied to the student's college account at the end of the summer. Applications for this program are typically due in early January.
HamVotes is a non-partisan, student-run voter education group. Three to four student coordinators organize and lead the effort with the help of student captains who assist with events, voter registration drives, and get-out-the-vote activities. All HamVotes positions are paid. Keep an eye out for position postings throughout the year, and check out some of these helpful voter links.
Hamilton Voting Data (NSLVE) 2022
Hamilton Voting Data (NSLVE) 2020
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Levitt Center
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Levitt Center