Emergency Information
Emergency Assistance
Safety is a shared responsibility. In order for our department to adequately address concerns on campus, we need the support of all community members and their guests. If you witness or become a victim of a crime or code of conduct violation, please contact the Department of Campus Safety immediately.
Emergency Telephones
Emergency telephones are located strategically throughout the campus. These phones are marked by a blue light to aid in nighttime identification. Phones are connected directly to the Department of Campus Safety and automatically identify the location of the caller. In addition to reporting an emergency the phones may be used to request a safety escort, report suspicious persons or activities, or obtain information. The emergency telephones are located at the bridge leading to Beinecke Village, the Root extension parking lot, the Field House parking lot, at the rear of the Bristol Campus Center leading to the Wallace Johnson Residence Hall, at the entrance to the Root parking lot, along the walkway between the Root Farm House, adjacent to the Little Pub and along the walkway near Woollcott Residence Hall.
Emergency Phone Numbers
On-Campus (24 Hours, seven days/week)
Campus Safety 315-859-4000
Counseling & Psychological Services 315-859-4000
Hamilton College EMS 315-859-4000
Ambulance (Central Oneida County Volunteer Ambulance Corps) 911
Fire Department (Clinton Fire Dept.) 911
Law Enforcement 911
Rape Crisis Hotline (YWCA) 315-797-7740

Emergency Action Plans
Review the actions to take during an emergency.
Campus Safety