02 05
When 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 5
Where Burke Library Couper Classroom, Map #45

Event Description

Tae Hyun Lim, Ph.D. (tlim@hamilton.edu), the Data Science/Analysis Research Librarian, will be conducting the Introduction to R workshop. Novices to the CITRIX environment and R are strongly recommended to attend. The workshop will cover topics such as installing and registering CITRIX, opening R Studio on CITRIX, accessing your files on CITRIX, and loading and exploring data on STATA on CITRIX. The workshop will also cover installing and using R and R Studio on students' own machines. The workshop will take approximately one and a half hours. Students interested in the workshop are encouraged to SIGN UP on this sheet, although walk-ins are welcome. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN LAPTOPS.


Contact Name

Tae Hyun Lim

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