  • Shoshana Keller, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of History, was invited to lead a session for Harvard University’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies as part of its Engaging Eurasia Teacher Fellowship program.

  • In preparation for a new volume titled Genealogy: A Genealogy (ed. Erlenbusch-Anderson and Lorenzini) with Columbia University Press, A. Todd Franklin, professor of philosophy and Africana studies, and other contributors met online January 12 and 13 for a workshop devoted to each author presenting their chapter and discussing it with fellow contributors.

  • Professor of Art Katharine Kuharic explored works in her solo exhibition, The Foliated Room, in a recent panel discussion at P·P·O·W in New York.

  • Since the publishing of his book, Robert E. Lee and Me – A Southerners Reckoning with the Myth of the Lost Cause and his appointment to the U.S. Naming Commission, Visiting Professor of History Ty Seidule has been in heavy demand as a speaker. This month’s request by a subpanel of the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee was a bit different. Seidule was asked to be a panelist for a session on the “Risks of Progressive Ideologies in the U.S. Military.”

  • A paper by Associate Professor of Psychology Tara McKee and Kerry Reilly ’14 was recently published in the open access journal Discover Psychology.

  • Assistant Professor of Art History Nadya Bair recently organized a panel on “Representation and the Holocaust: Responses and Perspectives in Historical Context” at the Association for Jewish Studies conference in San Francisco.

  • Sara Mohr, digital scholarship librarian, has been elected vice chair for a three-year term of the Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship (ILiADS) steering committee.

  • "Inside Knowledge: Incarcerated People on the Failures of the American Prison," by Doran Larson, the Edward North Chair of Greek and Greek Literature and Professor of Literature and Creative Writing, was published this week by NYU Press.

  • The 13th issue of Book XI: a Journal of Literary Philosophy with the theme "Books, Reading, and Being Read," was recently published. It includes an essay by Visiting Assistant Professor of Government Joel Winkelman as well as other essays, stories, and poems about the theme.

  • As Associate Professor of Biology Andrea Townsend was investigating how infectious disease affects the problem-solving performance of American crows, she was surprised to discover how few studies compared the effects of disease on cognition in other species.


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