De Bao Xu
De Bao Xu

Associate Professor of Chinese and chair of the East Asian Languages and Literature department De Bao Xu organized the "4th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century" (TCLT4) held at the University of Southern California, May 5-7.

TCLT4 was sponsored by Hamilton's President's Office, the Dean of Faculty's Office, and Hamilton's East Asian languages and literatures department, and the University of Southern California. The three-day conference included 37 panel discussions and four workshops.

With the goals of bridging the gap between technology, teaching methodology as well as curriculum and enhancing the exchange of ideas on the subject, TCLT conferences use a unique combination of panel discussions and workshops to provide conferees with the latest technology and information in the field of Chinese language instruction.

This is the fourth conference Xu has organized as chair of the standing committee of TCLT. Since the first conference in 2000, 105 institutions have sent more than 300 people to TCLT conferences. This year's conference attracted more than 110 participants. Held in high regard by Chinese language instructors around the world, TCLT has demonstrated Hamilton's leadership in East Asian language acquisition.

For more information on this year's conference visit, http://academics.hamilton.edu/eal/home//conf/c4/TCLT4.html

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