Dave Smallen, vice president of information technology, commented on the 25th birthday of the personal computer in an article for PC Magazine authored by Natali Del Conte. In the article, Smallen discussed the emergence of personal computers on college campuses and initial concerns about their use by students stating,
"When the first personal computers came out and students started to bring them to campus, many people were concerned that students would spend so much time using their computers, isolated from each other, that the sense of community on campuses, and students' personal health would be compromised."
Tracing development of the computer to its current "must have" status for many students Smallen continued,
"Wow, were we wrong! We now know that students who use computers are very social and the personal computer and all its variations like cell phones coupled with the Internet, has become the entrée for students into a position of leadership."
The Del Conte article also ran on ABC News and its news Web site.