Brian Rosmaita, assistant professor of computer science, presented "Accessibility Now! Teaching Accessible Computing at the Introductory Level" at The Eighth International Association for Computing Machinery SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '06), held in Portland, Oregon, Oct. 22-25.
Rosmaita argued that it is possible to integrate a treatment of accessible computing early in the computer science curriculum, using a course on accessible web design developed at Hamilton as a proof of concept. He will be teaching this introductory-level course again in spring 2007 as part of the computer science department's CPSCI 105: Explorations in Computer Science series. This series of innovative new courses, covering topics such as robotics, virtual reality, web design and simulation and modeling, has been developed by the Hamilton computer science department in order to reignite interest in computer science at Hamilton as well as on a national level.