Megan Hauck ’04 is gearing up for her 15-year reunion and she can’t wait. Hamilton was the only school she applied to. “I came up in October for an on campus interview, it was freezing and snowing, and I kind of fell in love.”
Hauck is currently the president of the class of 2004, part of the alumni council executive committee as co-chair of the Class Leadership Committee, and part of the HamTech affinity group. Why so active? “I’ve always felt that Hamilton has such a wonderful community that it just felt natural to give back my time to a place I call home,” Hauck says, and reunions have become part of that. For her, after four years of living on campus among friends, reunions are a great way to catch up, reconnect, and see where everyone is in their lives.
Obviously, the draw is seeing your classmates, but I also think we’re getting to a point in our lives where it’s a great way to reconnect with people in all class years.
“At the five-year reunion, you can’t wait to see everyone,” Hauck says. “You go back for the 10-year reunion, and you also can’t wait to see everyone, but you’re 10 years out of school, so you’ve had a lot of time to mature, whether it’s starting new jobs or starting new families. There’s a lot that happens in those first 10 years out of school.”
Hauck found that she enjoyed connecting with people in a different light and exploring the changes in her own and her classmates lives. Next up is her 15-year reunion, and the pull to go back has shifted and grown. “I’m really excited,” Hauck says. “Obviously, the draw is seeing your classmates, but I also think we’re also getting to a point in our lives where it’s a great way to reconnect with people in all class years.
Reunions offer so much, from alumni colleges, to family events, to being back on campus, a place you called home for four years. This year will bring back the classes from the fours and nines, offering ways to meet, network, and connect with alums from various class years.” It’s also a great way to re-engage with the college. “Hamilton has changed so much since we were on campus. If you haven’t been back since 2004, it’s time to make the trek back to the hill.”
Reconnect, renew bonds, and network with your fellow alumni during this special weekend.
Hauck makes it back to campus at least once a year and has her own method of reconnecting with Hamilton when she visits. She makes sure to pop into Commons, just to see what’s happening. She’s a big fan of Café Opus, making sure to grab some chocolate chip muffins, then she takes some time to increase her already extensive collection of Hamilton apparel and golf gear.
But always at the top of her list is reconnecting—and she’d like to see her classmates come back this year. “If you haven’t been back in five, 10, 15 years, now is definitely the time to go back and see how the College has changed. There are opportunities to reconnect with classmates and make new friends. I think that the strongest selling point is being able to go back to a place that you called home for four years and see how it’s transformed.”
Join Megan and your fellow alumni: Come home to Hamilton for Reunions ’19.