Last year was the 25th reunion year for Dave Richeson ’93, a professor of mathematics at Dickinson College. “I’ve been to almost all of the fives,” he says—just like a mathematician would put it—though he admits there may have been one he missed. Why so attentive? “I had a wonderful experience at Hamilton, both academically and socially,” Richeson says. Friends were one good reason to return to campus. “The other thing is, I’d really made a bond with the mathematics department.” Each time Richeson has returned he’s reconnected with the faculty. “They started out as my professors and ended up becoming friends and colleagues that I could talk to about life as a mathematician.”
Richeson sees coming back as coming home, and seeing everything both familiar and transformed. “The math department physically has undergone a lot of changes. It’s neat to go back and see the space that they created. They have a beautiful open area with seating—it seems like a great place for collaboration.”
I know I'm not alone in having extremely fond memories of Dick Bedient, Larry Knop, Bob Redfield, and Tim Kelly.
Richeson has loved going to reunions, not only for seeing good friends, but also for catching up with friends he hasn’t been able to stay in touch with, due to the demands of life and family. That’s part of the reason he’s always looking to spread the word. “The more friends that we can entice to come back, the better time we’ll have.” For him, being on campus helps him reconnect with that time in his life.
This year, Richeson is looking forward to the reunion more than ever. “The College is planning a celebration for a handful of math professors who are retiring,” he says, “I know I'm not alone for having extremely fond memories of Dick Bedient, Larry Knop, Bob Redfield, and Tim Kelly.” To Richeson, while it’s exciting to meet the younger faculty, it’s also the end of an era. “It’s exciting to be able to go back and celebrate their long and successful careers.”
Reconnect, renew bonds, and network with your fellow alumni during this special weekend.
As a math professor now, he is sharply aware of how much the department has meant to him personally. “They’ve served as good role models for how to have a successful career in mathematics. Whether it’s teaching math or connecting with students or doing research, the things I learned at Hamilton really formed a good foundation for the career that I ended up pursuing. I'm extremely grateful for that time of my life.”
If you’re a math major, join us at Reunions ’19 to celebrate milestones in our mathematics department, and reconnect with what Hamilton meant to you.