  • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Hamilton College a second $800,000 grant for its Digital Humanities Initiative (DHi). DHi is a research and teaching collaboration in which new media and computing technologies are used to promote humanities-based research, scholarship and teaching – including curriculum development – across the liberal arts.  The Mellon Foundation awarded the DHi its first grant in 2010.

  • Professor of English and Creative Writing Doran Larson delivered a paper titled "From Witness to Archive: Prisoners Writing the American Gulag," at the Midwest Modern Language Association Conference that took place in Milwaukee, Wisc., Nov. 8-10.

  • An essay by Professor of English and Creative Writing Doran Larson has been published in The Atlantic Monthly online. In “Why Scandinavian Prisons are Superior,” Larson contends that “open” prisons, in which detainees are allowed to live like regular citizens, should be a model for the U.S.

  • Professor of English and Creative Writing Doran Larson was an invited speaker and panelist at several recent conferences.

  • On October 5, senior creative writing majors Seiya Asada-Johnson, Martin Cain, Anna Paikert and Cecelie Pikus traveled to New York City to attend the 13th annual New Yorker Festival with Professors of Creative Writing Doran Larson and Jane Springer.

  • Professor of English and Creative Writing Doran Larson delivered a paper titled Ethnic American Civil Death: Constructing the Alien in Asian & Pacific Islander Prison Writing at the International Law & Society Association Conference in Honolulu in June.

  • Max Kenner, founder and executive director of the Bard Prison Initiative (BPI), spoke in the Red Pit on Thursday evening. His talk, titled “Values of a Liberal Education: Reflections on Ten Years of the Bard Prison Initiative,” addressed not only BPI but also treatment toward incarcerated people on a national level.

  • Professor of English and Creative Writing Doran Larson published an essay, "Abolition from Within: Enabling the Citizen Convict" in the latest issue (#91) of Radical Teacher. He also presented four papers in recent months.

  • “It is the one of the toughest and, at times, most brutal prisons in America,” said Doran Larson, professor of English, in introducing the Attica symposium on Sept. 16.  The symposium detailed the uprising of 1971 that left 39 dead and led to major prison reform.

  • Hamilton’s highest awards for teaching were presented at Class & Charter Day on May 6 to  Professor of Economics Elizabeth Jensen, Professor of English and Creative Writing Doran Larson, Associate Professor of Women’s Studies Anne Lacsamana and Assistant Professor of Philosophy Russell Marcus. Frank Anechiarico '71, the Maynard-Knox Professor of Government and Law, was presented with the Sidney Wertimer Award by the Student Assembly.

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