  • American diplomat Karl F. Inderfurth, the Sol M. Linowitz Professor of International Affairs, will present a lecture titled “Afghanistan: The Last Days of Kabul?” on Wednesday, March 4 at 7:30 p.m., in the Red Pit, Kirner-Johnson Building. Inderfurth’s lecture is sponsored by the Government Department and is free and open to the public.

  • “Europe’s Double Crisis” by Alan Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, was published in Russian in the current issue of the journal Russia in Global Affairs. It was based on “Europe’s Twin Crises: The Logic and Tragedy of Contemporary German Power,” recently published by the Valdai Discussion Club.

  • A paper by Alan Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, was recently published by the Valdai Discussion Club as Valdai Paper #10. Titled “Europe’s Twin Crises: The Logic and Tragedy of Contemporary German Power,” the article “explores the origins and evolution of the two interlocking crises that now engulf the European continent: an imploding monetary union and the intensification of great power rivalry in Europe following the ‘end of the post-cold war era’.”

  • Alan Cafruny , the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, presented a lecture at Kings College London as part of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Research Seminar Series  in November. His talk was titled “The Political Economy of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).”

  • Alan Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, participated in a November conference, Global Governance: Nominal, Real and Alternative Structures, at Higher School of Economics in Russia.  The conference was largely focused on the paradigm shift in geopolitical and geoeconomic structures of the modern world, as well as the underlying causes and long-term implications of such changes.

  • Alan Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, recently presented lectures in Moscow and Vienna.

  • Alan Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, lectured at a conference on Global Governance sponsored by the School of World Economy and International Affairs, Higher School of Economics in Moscow, on Nov. 16.

  • Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs Alan Cafruny presented a paper titled “The Crisis of the Eurozone and the Return of the ‘German Question’” on Sept. 21 at the 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations.

  • Prudence Bushnell, former U.S. ambassador to Kenya and Guatemala, and CEO of Sage Associates, will lecture on Monday, Sept. 16, at 4:15 p.m., in the Bradford Auditorium, KJ.  Her lecture, titled “Transformational Leadership in Foreign Affairs, Where Is It?,” is sponsored by the Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center, and is free and open to the public.

  • On September 10, Hamilton College, the United States of America, and the world turned their eyes toward Syria. While President Obama addressed the topic on national TV, Hamilton History Professor Shoshana Keller, Visiting Instructor of Critical Languages Mireille Koukjian, and former U.S. Ambassador Edward Walker, Jr. ’62 hosted a panel discussion: What’s Going on in Syria.


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