Alan Cafruny
Alan Cafruny

Alan Cafruny , the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, presented a lecture at Kings College London as part of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Research Seminar Series  in November. His talk was titled “The Political Economy of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).”

According to its website, “The JMCE was designated in September 2009 by the European Commission to support an ambitious programme of research, teaching and outreach activities. It was formally launched by a high-profile guest speaker in mid-2010.”

The centre is a collaborative project between three schools: the School of Law which hosts the Centre of European Law; the School of Arts and Humanities, home of the Department of European and International Studies; and the School of Social Sciences and Public Policy, which hosts the Department of Political Economy.

The website notes, "In association with the new JMCE, the three schools are running a wide-ranging and stimulating program of research seminars and conferences over the next year. By attracting leading speakers from all over Europe, the program contributes to lively debate and discussion about law and governance in the EU today."

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