  • Chloe and Olivia Chiota came to Hamilton four years ago as a package deal. The identical twins from Southborough, Mass., knew they wanted to play lacrosse together and be challenged academically. Several NESCAC colleges made their list, but one thing stood out about Hamilton.

  • The Hamilton community is grateful for the 23 members of Hamilton College Emergency Medical Service (HCEMS). These student volunteers are New York State certified EMTs whose work helps keep the College community safe 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week while classes are in session.

  • As he finishes his final semester at Hamilton online before starting as a software engineer position at J.P. Morgan, Chris Browne is volunteering as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and a volunteer firefighter in his home community.

  • The phone rings at 1 a.m., and Serena Persaud ’20 is ready for action. She's one of the state-certified student EMTs who keep the College community safe while gaining valuable experience for a future career.

  • Whenever there is a medical emergency on the Hamilton College campus, student EMTs are always the first-responders.  The Hamilton College Emergency Medical Services (HCEMS) team consists of 25 students from varied backgrounds and interests.  This week marks the National Collegiate Emergency Services Foundation’s National Collegiate EMS week, during which Hamilton recognizes the efforts of its student EMTs.

  • When there is an emergency involving illness or injury on Hamilton’s campus, student EMTs can reach somebody in need within minutes. The team that forms Hamilton College Emergency Medical Services (HCEMS) consists of 21 students from a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. This week, Hamilton recognizes their efforts through the National Collegiate Emergency Services Foundation’s National Collegiate EMS Week.

  • Nine members of the class of 2012 who served as members of Hamilton College Emergency Medical Service (HCEMS) were honored at the annual spring EMT dinner on April 27. The dinner is held every year to honor graduating EMTs and thank them for their years of service to the Hamilton community.

  • Every year during the second full week of November, the National Collegiate Emergency Services Foundation recognizes on-campus EMTs for National Collegiate EMS Week. From Nov. 7 through Nov. 13, the College honors Hamilton College Emergency Medical Services (HCEMS) for their unparalleled dedication to the campus community.

  • Hamilton is proud to recognize its 24 student volunteer members of Hamilton College Emergency Medical Services (HCEMS) as the week of Nov. 7 marks National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Week.

  • The week of Nov. 8 marks National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Week and the College is proud to recognize its 26 student volunteer members of Hamilton College Emergency Medical Services (HCEMS).


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