Sharing More than DNA, Twins Tie as Class Valedictorians

“When we visited, Hamilton just felt like home,” Chloe said.
“From the start, I was blown away by how well-rounded people are,” Olivia added. “Everyone has such a broad range of talents and interests, and finds a way to get involved in lots of different things. It’s exactly what we were looking for.”
Chloe Chiota ’24
Major: Biology
Minor: Sociology
As if those reasons weren’t enough, the sisters instantly connected with head women’s lacrosse coach Patty Kloidt, who also happens to be the mother of twins.
On May 19, the sisters graduated as co-valedictorians, tied for first in the Class of ’24 with perfect 4.0 GPAs. Both are biology majors — with Chloe minoring in sociology and Olivia in women’s and gender studies — and plan to enter the field of dentistry.
To get to know the Chiota twins, we sat down with Chloe and Olivia to ask them a few questions about their Hamilton experience, future plans, and each other.
Olivia Chiota ’24
Major: Biology
Minor: Women’s and
Gender Studies
Did you always plan to major in biology?
Olivia: I’ve always been interested in STEM — biology and chemistry. I started out thinking pre-med, then switched to pre-PA [physician assistant], then back to pre-med, and now pre-dental. After doing research on various opportunities, I feel like dentistry is the best fit for a positive work-life balance.
Chloe: I always liked science in high school and knew I wanted to work in healthcare. While at Hamilton, I worked in hospitals and shadowed different health professionals and chose dentistry for a lot of the same reasons Olivia did. I like the idea of seeing the same [patients] over a long period of time and getting to know them. I think it will be satisfying to identify someone’s problem and be able to leave them smiling.
Have you always done well academically? Were you close in class rank in high school?
Chloe: We were in the top 10 of our high school class, two places apart.
Olivia: The only difference was that I got an A- in AP Chemistry and Chloe got an A, probably the difference of one or two questions [on an exam]. Every test is a friendly competition; we are always comparing.
So you consider yourselves competitive?
Chloe: Yes! We work together and study together. Competition definitely makes us both better.
Olivia: Yes, definitely a mix of competition and collaboration. I don’t want her to do badly. I just want to do a little bit better!
Favorite memory from Hamilton lacrosse?
Chloe: My favorite game was this season against Williams on Withiam Field under the lights. It was such a high energy, intense game, and we came out on top.
Olivia: I was injured for my entire senior season, and not being able to play showed me that the things I’ll really remember from Hamilton lacrosse are the little moments and relationships I made. It’s such a great group of girls, and we’ve had so much fun along the way, both on and off the field.

Other activities on campus:
Chloe: I’m president of the Pre-Health Club.
Olivia: I’m president of Strong Girls (an after-school program for girls in kindergarten to eighth grade that empowers them through athletics) and vice president of the Pre-Health Club.
What experiential learning opportunities did you pursue?
Olivia: In my junior fall, I did the SEA [Sea Education Association] semester. I had no sailing or lab experience and ended up aboard a tall ship conducting a research project. I met some amazing people and got to experience working out in the Pacific from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. in the pitch black on the super wavy sea. I learned a lot. Locally, I also volunteered at the dental clinic in the Mohawk Valley Health System, which offers care for underserved populations in the Utica area.
Chloe: I spent my junior fall in Ireland working on a research project at University College Dublin. The research involved a plant genetic expression project that looked at cannabis and how it can be better grown as a crop. And, because we share a car, we both did a volunteer summer internship teaching at the New England Center for Children and worked as nursing assistants at a hospital at home.

What are your plans after graduation?
Olivia: We both plan to apply to dental schools and hopefully start next fall.
Chloe: In the meantime, we plan to live at home for a year and possibly work in a dental office.
Favorite class:
Chloe: Genes and Genomes. Genetics is so cool, and Professor [Natalie] Nannas really deepened my interest and knowledge of molecular biology.
Olivia: Organic Chemistry with Professor [Ian] Rosenstein. It felt like a puzzle, with more problem-solving than in any other class I had ever taken. I also loved Contact Improv; I had never taken a dance class.
Favorite class outside of biology:
Chloe: The Sociology of Health and Illness with Professor [Matthew] Grace. This class really was a great merger of the things I’m interested in.
Olivia: Gender, Health and Technology with Professor [Mariah] Stember. The class explored the roots of various issues and analyzed things we take for granted.
What do you do to unwind?
Chloe: Sports is built-in stress relief. Other than that, I just make time with my best friends.
Olivia: Take a walk on G-Road. Go to Bonomo’s for ice cream or out for dinner with friends. Play Spikeball and intramural volleyball.
Where did you live on campus?
First year: Dunham (not as roommates)
Sophomore year: South (together in a quad with two other roommates)
Junior year: Bundy (in singles)
Senior year: Morris House (as roommates)
How do people tell you apart?
Chloe: In lacrosse, I wear my hair in a braid and Olivia has an open pony tail.
Olivia: I also have a freckle under my eye.
Favorite food in the dining hall:
Chloe: My go-to is the make-your-own-eggs station at Commons.
Olivia: Definitely Tuesday Pub lunch with different spins on Taco Tuesday.
Favorite movie:
Chloe: Good Will Hunting. It has such a good soundtrack.
Olivia: The Prestige (There’s a big twist at the end!)
Top song on your Spotify:
Chloe: “Long December” by Counting Crows
Olivia: Really anything by John Mayer (my dad’s a big fan)
What are you better at than your sister?
Chloe: Driving.
Olivia: Word games, and I’m a faster runner.
What is your sister’s best quality?
Chloe: Resilience. When Olivia tore her ACL before the first game of our senior season and needed surgery, she didn’t wallow in it. Her focus was “OK, what do I have to do? What’s the next step?” I really admired that.
Olivia: Chloe’s a hard worker. She is always pushing herself, staying after practice to do a few more sprints, staying up to do more studying. That’s really contributed to her success.
What isn’t her best quality?
Chloe: She can be impatient.
Olivia: She’s stubborn when she gets something in her head, set in her mind … but that can be good, too.
How would your friends say you are most similar, different?
Olivia: I think they’d say I have a drier sense of humor.
Chloe: Agreed. But we almost always have the same opinions on things. We read situations similarly.
How did you come to “Know Thyself” at Hamilton and find your individual passions and goals?
Chloe: There are so many options to follow your passions, and you can do so many different things at once. I loved one sociology class in my first year and then had the chance to follow that academic interest while still working toward my career goal. Hamilton allows you to go abroad, play a sport — you can do it all here.
Olivia: Chloe and I had the opportunity to really spend a lot of time apart doing our own thing. I found myself getting so immersed in the things I was a part of and the people I was with. That was a new experience and one I learned from.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Chloe: I’m keeping my mind open to where I’ll be headed for dental school, but ideally it will be near friends and family.
Olivia: I hope I’m finishing up my last year of school ideally in a city and definitely on the East Coast.
10 years?
Chloe: I hope I’m starting a family in a good place for kids to grow up. And managing a private practice.
Olivia: Back in the suburbs with a family and my own dental practice with lots of hobbies in a town I really like.