  • Students in the Hamilton College Program in Washington, D.C., recently got acquainted with Hamilton alumni at a “Welcome to the City” event hosted by the Washington, D.C., Alumni Association.

  • On Dec.12, the Hamilton College Program in Washington D.C. students attended their farewell dinner hosted by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack ’72, and Kirkland alumnae Christie Vilsack K’72 and Barbara Stein K’72.  Tom Vilsack is  former Governor of Iowa. Christie Vilsack is senior advisor for international education at USAID, and Barbara Stein is director of strategic partnerships for the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.

  • Escorted by Lt. Col. Eric Hannis ’90, students in the Hamilton Program in Washington were treated to an extensive tour of the Pentagon on Dec. 11.

  • Students in the Hamilton College Program in Washington, D.C. attended an informative media panel hosted by George Baker ’74 and Frank Vlossak ’89 of the Williams and Jensen law firm on Oct. 30. The panel included Hamilton D.C. area alumni who work in the fast-paced field of D.C. media and journalism.

  • On Oct. 23, the Hamilton College Program in Washington students had the privilege of meeting with Representative Richard Hanna. He represents New York’s 22nd district, which includes Hamilton College.

  • Hamilton College Program in Washington, D.C. participants visited popular D.C. attraction, the Newseum, on Sept. 11.  The Newseum is a highly interactive museum dedicated to news and journalism.

  • Hamilton College Program in Washington D.C. participants visited with Hamilton alumni George Baker ’74 and Frank Vlossak ’89 for an in-depth discussion on lobbying in Washington, D.C.  on Sept. 4. Baker and Vlossak are currently principals at Williams and Jensen PLLC. Williams and Jensen is one of the nation’s leading, independently owned government affairs law firms.

  • Bipartisanship is generally in short supply in Washington.  However, Hamilton’s Program in Washington students got a glimpse of it at a briefing at the American Enterprise Institute on September 19.  Senators Ron Wyden (D, Oregon) and Marco Rubio (R, Florida) discussed a bill they had introduced, the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act.

  • Twelve juniors have begun the fall 2012 Program in Washington, which combines academic seminars, independent research and internships. Internships this semester include Department of Justice, Environmental Protection Agency, Democratic National Committee, and a variety of thinks tanks, consulting firms, and non-profits.   The semester  includes a co-curricular program of meetings with policymakers and excursions to take advantage of Washington’s educational and cultural assets. The program is directed this semester by Professor of Government David Paris ’71.

  • Students in the Washington Program met with World Bank Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean Hasan Tuluy P ’08, on April 26 at the World Bank.


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