  • The flexibility of creating art and the limitless mediums at an artist’s disposal allow for bold originality and ingenuity. Multidisciplinary artist Chris Doyle takes full advantage of the vast range of possibility in art, and he shared his unique perspective with the Hamilton community as the college’s first speaker in the Artists in Conversation series.  Doyle’s video “Waste Generation” is on view at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art at Hamilton.

  • Chris Doyle, a multidisciplinary artist whose  video “Waste Generation” is on view at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art at Hamilton College, will lecture at the Wellin Museum on Tuesday, April 2, at 6 p.m., in the Overlook. The “Artists in Conversation” series talk is free and open to the public.

  • Since its October debut, more than 5,000 visitors have walked along the glass corridors of the Ruth and Elmer Museum of Art. Those who may not yet have visited the museum or those who would like to revisit a bit of the current exhibition at their desk can do so via a new video that provides a brief introduction to the museum and the inaugural exhibition, Affinity Atlas. The video can be viewed at the bottom of the Wellin Museum's home page.

  • The national media highlighted Hamilton College in multiple ways throughout 2012 by focusing on faculty research and expertise, featuring opinion pieces, and announcing new endeavors and special student projects. From The Today Show to NPR’s All Things Considered to The Chronicle of Higher Education, the college was visible in the media across the country.

  • A new building and events at Hamilton drew much interest from local media during 2012. The opening of the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art and the all-alumni celebration of Hamilton’s bicentennial garnered significant attention, and faculty members offered expertise on timely news topics throughout the year.

  • Tracy Adler, director of the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, spoke with WAMC host Joe Donahue on the station’s daily Roundtable morning show about the museum’s opening and current exhibition. The Oct. 25 interview can be heard on the WAMC site.

  • A feature story appearing on the Forbes website titled “What's Better Than College Art History 101? A Campus Museum,” features the college’s new Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art. The Oct. 22 article penned by Hamilton alumna Lynn Matthews Douglass ’81 addresses “a new trend on liberal arts campuses to build museums to teach art.”

  • Chilly and sometimes dreary weather couldn't put a damper on Fallcoming 2012,  as Hamilton celebrated the opening the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, honored Dan Dietrich II '64 as Volunteer of the Year, and recognized students' scholarships at the Helen and Doane Comstock '27 Memorial Luncheon.

  • A large and enthusiastic crowd lined up outside as The Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art opened to the campus community on Oct. 4.  The formal dedication and ribbon-cutting will take place on Friday, Oct. 5, at 5:30 p.m., and a series of events are planned for the entire weekend.

  • Hamilton’s annual Fallcoming will take place on campus Oct. 4 through 7, with activities to suit every interest. The highlight of the weekend will be the dedication of the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art with numerous events surrounding its opening.


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