  • The New York Program visit to BNY Mellon at One Wall St. consisted of a luncheon, followed by a panel discussion with alums and parents of Hamilton College students, then a tour of the company’s museum, which holds a loan agreement signed by Alexander Hamilton given to the U.S. government. The trip ended with a brief tour of the company’s former public banking floor,  known as the Red Room.

  • As the fall semester concluded, Hamilton students on the New York Program toured the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to hear about the global macroeconomic trends and visit the Reserve gold vault. They met with Paolo Pesenti, vice president in the research department and former Princeton, NYU and Columbia Professor. Pesenti presented on the dynamics of the current international economy, paying special attention to the Euro area crisis.

  • Hamilton students participating in the New York City Program took a tour of the prestigious Museum of Modern Art on Nov. 14.  Located in Midtown Manhattan, MoMA was founded in 1929 by three very forward-thinking women: Abby Rockefeller, Lillie Bliss and Mary Sullivan.

  • On Oct. 20 Hamilton’s New York Program students toured the Tenement Museum on the Lower East Side then took a one-hour walking tour of the neighborhood.

  • The Apollo Theater has seen more great acts than nearly any other venue. It’s one of the oldest theaters in the United States, and certainly one of the most instantly recognizable. Since its opening in 1934, it has served as a landmark at 125th Street in the Harlem neighborhood of New York. Students in this fall’s New York Program trekked uptown on Oct. 17 to attend a show at The Apollo.

  • The evening of Sept. 19 was a fine one for students on the Program in New York.  The group was treated to dinner at Gabriel’s, followed by a performance at the New York Philharmonic, all sponsored by alumnus Kevin Kennedy ’7o and his wife Karen.

  • On Saturday, Sept. 22, the 15 students participating in the New York City Program, along with director Professor of Economics Chris Georges and his wife Sarah, volunteered at the Bowery Mission.

  • Students participating in the fall 2012 New York City Program were fortunate to receive a private tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Sept. 5 as their first outing of the semester.  The excursion was guided by Richard Turnbell, chair of the Department of Art History at FIT.  The current program, led by Professor of Economics Christophre Georges, has 15 participants.

  • Two weeks ago, on the day before Christie’s New York City spring auction of post-war and contemporary art, students and faculty of Hamilton’s New York program received a personal tour of the offerings from Stephen Jones, senior writer at Christie’s.  The auction itself, reported The New York Times, brought in “the highest total ever in the postwar and contemporary category,” including nearly $87 million for a Mark Rothko painting from 1961.

  • Students and faculty in Hamilton's New York City Program recently enjoyed an inspiring program by the Paul Taylor Dance Company at Lincoln Center.  A highlight of the evening was a 50th anniversary performance of "Aureole," at the end of which Mr. Taylor, one of the premier choreographers of modern dance, joined the dancers on stage to share in the curtain call.


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