  • The Junior Seminar in Art, led by Professor Rebecca Murtaugh visited MASS MoCA in North Adams, Mass. on Oct. 21. Olivia Holbrook ’23, a member of the class, writes here about her impressions and shares photos of the museum.

  • Assistant Professor of Physics Viva Horowitz interviews science faculty about their research on her podcast “Significant Figures,” which airs on WHCL radio every Monday from 11 a.m. to noon. We asked her a few questions about the series.

  • Meandering through Hamilton’s Root Glen with nothing but a pair of headphones and a phone, you find yourself on a journey through the intertwining of music and nature.

  • When Hamilton’s class of 2024 arrived on campus in August, 2020, it was in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, so many of the usual opportunities and experiences for new students were not possible. In an effort to make up for that, Hamilton this year offered sophomores the opportunity to take Adirondack Adventure trips during Fall Break.

  • Mother Nature was a gracious hostess as warm temperatures and sunny skies greeted more than 2,000 alumni and family members who attended an in-person Fallcoming Weekend, Oct. 8-10.

  • Of all the Hamilton programs interrupted by the pandemic, off-campus study was perhaps the most severely affected. However, this semester, students are once again pursuing academic interests far away from the Hill. To understand how Hamilton’s programs are readjusting, we asked Assistant Dean of Off-Campus Study Carolyn North and several students located around the world. Below are some of their thoughts.

  • Communications Office student writer Melissa “Aurelie” Kaleka ’24 attended a Know Thyself 101 workshop on Oct. 2. Here she shares her impressions.

  • After a year like no other, La Vanguardia recognized a need to remember, reconnect, and keep moving forward. That’s why the students of the Latinx organization are focusing this year’s Latinx Heritage Month celebration on three essential cultural elements for many Latinx communities: Recuerdos (memories), raíces (roots), and renacimiento (rebirth).

  • On the evening of Sept. 9, Hamilton’s Marathon Canoe Racing Team loaded up two vans and began their journey to Old Forge, N.Y., to compete in the Adirondack Canoe Classic, a.k.a. the 90-Miler.

  • When Americans gather in Lower Manhattan and Shanksville, Pa., to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the work of two Hamiltonians will help them remember that tragic day.


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