After a year like no other, La Vanguardia recognized a need to remember, reconnect, and keep moving forward. That’s why the students of the Latinx organization are focusing this year’s Latinx Heritage Month celebration on three essential cultural elements for many Latinx communities: Recuerdos (memories), raíces (roots), and renacimiento (rebirth).
According to the group’s statement: “We all have our own unique experiences navigating and exploring our identities while on the Hill. We want to recognize that reality this Latinx Heritage Month and offer the Hamilton community a chance to center itself, reflect on the past year and celebrate where we are today, and acknowledge the influence of those who came before us.”
In collaboration with the Days-Massolo Center and other campus partners, Latinx Heritage Month will feature programs ranging from Spanish concerts and a celebration gala, to cooking classes and spoken-word forums. Among the highlights is the second annual AfroRitmos concert series, a showcase of Black Latinx talent in celebration of the shared culture and meaning of Afro-Latinx identity. Featured artists this year include Aida Encarnación, Nano Stern, and Alisa Amador. The last concert in the series will also kickoff a year-long celebration of the Days-Massolo Center’s 10th anniversary.

Created by Mil Fienco ’23
To center the month’s intentions and celebrate the presence and impact of the Latinx community on College Hill over the years, Mil Feinco ’23, a Days-Massolo Center student ambassador, designed “Alejandro Hamiltón.” The figure plays off the College’s namesake and celebrates the over 35-year history of La Vanguardia and the presence of Latinx/Hispanic individuals at Hamilton.
Latinx Heritage Month Calendar of Events:
Sept. 24: Virtual AfroRitmos Concert featuring Aida Encarnación + Cafe(cito) con Leche
Sept. 25: Latinx Cooking Class (Lunch)
Sept. 26: Latinx Cooking Class (Brunch)
Sept. 30: Virtual AfroRitmos Concert featuring Nano Stern
Oct. 1: Latin Ball Gala
Oct. 6: Wellin Museum Latinx Heritage Month Art Walk
Oct. 9: In-Person AfroRitmos Concert w/CAB featuring Alisa Amador + DMC 10-Year Kick-Off
Oct. 10: Latinx Cooking Class (Breakfast)
Hamilton’s celebration of Latinx Heritage Month is part of the Days-Massolo Center’s efforts to build partnerships that recognize and celebrate cultural, heritage, and identity months. If you are interested in being a part of the planning committee for Native American Heritage Month, Black History Month, Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Month, and/or Pride Month, you can express your interest here.