  • Recent Hamilton graduate Noah Bishop ’11 will soon begin a job in the offices of the Royal Bank of Scotland in Stamford, Conn. Bishop, who graduated with a degree in philosophy and economics, will be working in financial analysis.

  • Ashlyn Razzo ’11 loves working with children. A recent Hamilton graduate, Razzo knew that she wanted to spend her future working with underprivileged youth, giving back to the kind of community in which she grew up. Razzo will be serving as a 2011 corps member in Miami for Teach For America (TFA), the non-profit organization dedicated to ending educational inequality in the United States.

  • One of the summer’s most labor-intensive student projects on the Hill is the maintenance of the Hamilton College Community Farm (HCCF) garden. Student workers are constantly brainstorming about ways to streamline the farming process, which begins in February with germination within the greenhouse and doesn’t end until the final crops are harvested in the fall. The most recent advance for the community farm was made by former farm manager Sarah Gamble ’13 and co-founder Andrew Pape ’11, who developed a comprehensive farm almanac through which they hope to pass on their knowledge and experience to future farmers.

  • Professor of Comparative Literature Peter J. Rabinowitz has published “‘The Impossible Has a Way of Passing Unnoticed’: Reading Science in Fiction” in the May issue of Narrative. The article is a development of a paper originally delivered in 2009 at a symposium on narrative, science and performance at Ohio State University.

  • For Kevin Graepel ’11, a career in biomedical research is a goal that he has been working toward since his first year at Hamilton. Graepel, who graduated with a degree in chemistry last month, will take the next step in realizing his goal as he begins a two-year stint conducting research in Bethesda, Maryland, on viral pathogenesis and vaccine development for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

  • The continued envolvment of Hamilton alumni ensures the success of the Hamilton College Sailing Team. The team has grown to become a serious competitor and boasts one of the largest and strongest rosters among Hamilton Club Sports. This spring, the team qualified for the America Trophy, one step away from ICSA Dinghy Nationals.  Captain Emeritus Travis K. Rosenblatt '11 provided his report.  

  • Recent Hamilton graduate Caitlyn Williams ’11 is thrilled to be entering into a position with the  Community HealthCorps Program, a division of AmeriCorps later this summer as a school-based health center coordinator. Williams will be working with Open Door Family Medical Center in the medically underserved community of Port Chester, New York.

  • As hundreds of thousands of college graduates enter the workforce this spring, Amy Goldstein ’11 is one of many recent Hamilton graduates who is sitting securely with a job in the tough economy. Goldstein will be spending the next two years working as a federal analyst for Deloitte Consulting’s Washington D.C. office.

  • Four Hamilton students were co-authors of a paper accepted for presentation at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing held May 7-12 in Vancouver, B.C.

  • Twenty-six candidates for graduation were elected to the Epsilon chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest honor society, on May 19.  


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