As hundreds of thousands of college graduates enter the workforce this spring, Amy Goldstein is one of many recent Hamilton graduates of the class of 2011 who is sitting securely with a job in the tough economy. Goldstein will be spending the next two years working as a federal analyst for Deloitte Consulting’s Washington D.C. office.
Deloitte is the world’s largest management consulting firm—they have offices and both corporate and federal clients in countries all over the world. What is unique about the Washington, D.C. office is that it deals only with federal clients, engaging with different government agencies that operate out of the nation’s capital. Goldstein will be working directly with Deloitte’s clients—so anywhere from the Department of Homeland Security to the Environmental Protection Agency to the National Institute of Health—helping with process presentation development, handling business case development, performing data analysis and speaking with representatives from different agencies to get a feel for how the organizations are run. Her program also guarantees her several rotations.
Although this job seems to gel perfectly with Goldstein’s government major, she says that she hadn’t actually envisioned a career in government for herself until she stumbled across this job. None of Goldstein’s previous work experiences have been related to the government; she has worked in advertising and for a non-profit, and thought that her future lay in one of those directions.
Goldstein credits the Career Center with keeping her open-minded with her job search last fall. She heard about the job in October and the Career Center encouraged her to apply and put her in touch with Rob Dickson ’10, who works for Deloitte. By November, she had been flown by Deloitte to Washington D.C. for an interview. The next week, Deloitte called with a job offer as well as an invitation to an event for recent entry-level hires that Goldstein says was “basically Deloitte’s version of Hamilton’s Accepted Student’s Day.”
A few weeks later, Goldstein signed on to a contract with Deloitte. While she says it was definitely nice to know early on that she had a job to go on to after graduation, it was also a tricky thing to talk about because she the first of her friends to find an end to the job hunt. Job searches can be stressful for students in their senior year, and Goldstein says that knowing what would be in her immediate future made the process of graduating a lot less daunting.
Goldstein is looking forward to her work with Deloitte, which begins in July with the first of two week-long training periods, one in Washington D.C. with her new coworkers and one to be held in a mystery location with all of Deloitte’s new employees from across the United States and Canada. She is waiting to see how the job goes before she makes any definitive plans for the future, though she says a lot of young Deloitte employees go on to business school or to further work with private consulting firms.
Goldstein is a former Student Assembly president and co-chair of Hamilton Alumni Leadership Training. She served as an undergraduate fellow for the Alexander Hamilton Institute and was the philanthropy chair of Phi Beta Chi sorority. She was also a tour guide, a member of the club ice hockey team, and an avid Trivia Night participant.
Amy Goldstein is a graduate of Greenwich High School, Bella House, in Connecticut.