  • Professor of English Naomi Guttman and Associate Professor of Russian Studies Franklin Sciacca were presenters at the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, U.K. July 6-8. Their paper, titled “The Magic of Dumplings: Bringing Pierogi into the (New) World,” offered an early example of globalization, the migration of a foodstuff from the Ukraine along the Silk Route across the Eurasian plain and ultimately to the U.S.

  • Monica Gutierrez ’15 recently participated in the 57th annual Flaherty Film seminar, held for the fifth year at Colgate University June 16-22. She was sponsored by the Digital Humanities Initiative, and reported on the films and her response to them on the DHI Facebook page.

  • Several members of Hamilton’s Digital Humanities Initiative (DHi) gave invited presentations as part of a day-long event in the exploration of Digital Humanities at DePauw University on May 29.

  • Janet Simons, associate director of instructional technology, and co-director of the Digital Humanities Initiative, was part of a panel on Collaboration in Digital Humanities at the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) Symposium, April 16-17, in Arlington, Va.

  • Kathleen Fitzpatrick, director of scholarly communication, Modern Language Association, and professor of media studies at Pomona College, will visit campus on Thursday, April 5, for two events: A lecture, “Peer Review, Open Scholarship, and the Digital Humanities,” at noon, in the Taylor Science Center Kennedy Auditorium, and a workshop at 4:10 p.m., in Kirner-Johnson Building, room 101. Both are free and open to the public.

  • The School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, host of the April 19th social media conference #140cuse, has partnered with Hamilton College's Digital Humanities Initiative to bring a preview of the #140 conference to the Kirner-Johnson Red Pit on Wednesday, April 4, at 7 p.m.

  • Digital Humanities Initiative co-directors Angel David Nieves and Janet Simons presented at the annual American Association of Colleges and Universities 2012 meeting in Washington, D.C., in January. The presentation was titled "Curricular Connections to Humanities Research: DHi's CLASS Program."

  • Angel David Nieves, associate professor and chair of Africana Studies, was an invited speaker at the Mobility Shifts: An International Future of Learning Summit at the New School in New York City in October.  This international summit was comprised of a conference, project demonstrations, workshops, exhibitions and a theater performance.

  • Janet Simons, co-director of the Digital Humanities Initiative, has been invited to serve on the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) Digital Humanities Council. 

  • Digital Humanities initiative co-directors Angel David Nieves and Janet Simons were lead presenters at the New Directions Digital Humanities Workshop in Holland, Mich., Oct. 7–8, for the Great Lakes College Association (GLCA) at the request of the Mellon Foundation.


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