  • A  group of 15 Hamilton students recently met in New York City with Hamilton alumni who practice law.  These students were members of the newly formed Pre-law Society, a club based around an interest in law and jurisprudence, and possible career options after college.  Hamilton alumnus Michael Blasie ’07, an attorney in the litigation department of the New York office of Cooley LLP, facilitated the visit.

  • On Wednesday, March 14, Hamilton students participating in the Program in Washington attended the official welcoming ceremony for David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, on the south lawn of the White House. Sara Feuerstein ’07, a member of the White House staff, arranged for the students to attend this important and traditional event.

  • On February 22, students in the Semester in Washington Program met with Timothy Nussbaum ’07, Northern Virginia operations coordinator for the George Allen for U.S. Senate campaign. Previously, Nussbaum had served as senior research assistant for the Fred Thompson for President campaign in 2008 and as executive assistant to the president of George Allen Strategies LLC.

  • Benjamin R. Johnston '07 has won the Texas Greenovation Contest, a competition that seeks to inspire entrepreneurs, students, and business owners to design green business ideas.  Entrants were asked to present ideas that minimize waste and maximize sustainability, and pay for themselves within five years.  The first place award comes with a number of funds and services to commercialize his proposal.

  • Rezaan Daniels '07 and Erik Steiner '07 climbed Mount Kilimanjaro this April.  Located in Tanzania, Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa with a height of 19,341 feet above sea level.

  • Students in the Semester in Washington Program met with U.S. Representative Richard Hanna of New York’s 24th District on Oct. 12. Rep. Hanna fielded a variety of questions from the group about his experiences as a new member of the House of Representatives and about the issues confronting the 112th Congress.

  • Ross Ufberg '07 is writing a novel titled The Lions of Zion, which is currently being serialized on the website of the Jewish newspaper The Forward.

  • On Aug. 12 Jason Haas '07 will begin as a community manager at Mozilla, the nonprofit organization that runs the Firefox project, as well as other products and initiatives. His new role will take him to San Francisco, where he will be responsible for coordinating volunteer programs and events around the world. "The success of my new role will draw from my experience as an organizer and marketing consultant, engaging and empowering those who seek to create positive change," said Haas.

  • Team "Al Hamithon" spent a rainy April Saturday morning painting healthy vegetable characters on the walls of the Nurse's Station at the Bruce Monroe Elementary School in Northwest Washington, D.C. during Greater Washington Cares Servathon 2011.

  • On Jan. 15, the Food Network aired an episode of the Barefoot Contessa featuring Amber Waves Farm, a not-for-profit organic and educational farm in Amagansett, New York co-founded by Amanda Merrow '07. The show "Going Local!" included Amber Waves farmers and their free-range chickens, whose eggs host Ina Garten used in cooking a meal entirely of local ingredients.


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