  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate was recently invited to be a member of the Ecumenical Jury for the 67th Berlin Film Festival.

  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate recently gave presentations on religion, culture and aesthetics in New York, Madrid and Texas.

  • , an e-booklet by Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate, was recently published by Killing the Buddha Books

  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate recently participated in academic events in several areas of the world.

  • With the Syrian refugee crisis ever-present in the news and issues of immigration taking center stage in the current presidential election, questions surrounding religious diversity and inclusivity have rarely been as important in global politics as they are today. It is against this historic backdrop that Shannon Boley ’17 was able to take her past research on religious pluralism from Upstate New York all the way to Rome, Italy, as one of this summer’s 18 Emerson Grant recipients.

  • A review of “Bosch: The 5th Centenary Exhibition” by Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate was published by Religion News Service (RNS) on June 9. The exhibition marking the 500th anniversary of the death of painter Hieronymus Bosch opened recently at the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid.

  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate recently gave presentations at several venues in Europe. He discussed interreligious relations in Spain and then traveled to Sweden and Germany to discuss sacred scriptures and texts.

  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate recently published several chapters and articles in edited volumes, and co-edited a special issue of the journal Material Religion.

  • As part of his work on the Pluralism Project with Georgetown and Harvard Universities, Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate presented via Skype during “Religion and Resettlement: The Role of Religion in Diaspora Communities in the US” on Feb. 25 at Georgetown.

  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate recently presented invited lectures at The Open University and the University of Zurich. He also presented and organized a panel at the American Academy of Religion conference in Atlanta.


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