  • Several members of the Hamilton community presented during the Bucknell Digital Scholarship Conference. The inaugural conference, held Nov. 14-16 at Bucknell University, focused on “Collaborating Digitally: Engaging Students in Faculty Research.”

  • Janet Simons, co-director of the Digital Humanities Initiative (DHi), and Abhishek Amar, assistant professor of religious studies, gave invited presentations on Nov. 13 at Vassar College. Their audience included faculty, librarians and academic technologists.

  • Abhishek Amar, assistant professor of religious studies, organized a panel titled "Reconfiguring Buddhism: Sites, Objects and Heritage in Modern South Asia" at the 43rd Annual Conference on South Asia, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, on Oct. 18.

  • Lainie Smith ’16, through the Digital Humanities Initiative (DHi), is examining meditation in her summer research project titled “Investigating the Growth and Adaptations of the Practice of Meditation” with Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Abhishek Amar.

  • Abhishek Amar, assistant professor of religious studies, published a chapter titled "The Buddhaksetra of Bodhgaya: Sangha, Exchanges and Trade-Networks," in the volume titled Religions and Trade: Religious Formation, Transformation and Cross-Cultural Exchange between East and West, Leiden: Brill, 2013.

  • Taking a break from his research in Bodhgaya, India, in January, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Abhishek Amar met with Professor of French John C. O’Neal and ITS Educational Technologist Ted Fondak.

  • Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Abhishek Amar organized a panel titled "Transformations and Reconfigurations of Sacred Sites in South Asia" at the Annual Conference of American Academy of Religion in Baltimore from Nov. 22 to 26.

  • Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Abhishek Amar participated on a panel titled "Politics of Religion: Patronage, Identity and Religious Centers in the Early Medieval India"' at the Annual Conference on South Asia at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Oct. 17-20.

  • Hamilton College’s highest awards for teaching were presented to three faculty members during the annual Class & Charter Day ceremony on May 13. Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Abhishek Amar and Rob Knight, assistant professor of art, received awards. Assistant Professor of Government Ted Lehmann was named the recipient of Student Assembly’s Sidney Wertimer Award.

  • Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Abhishek Amar presented a paper at a workshop titled “Local Domains/Translocal Claims: New Histories of the ‘Local’ in South Asia” organized by the South Asia Studies department, University of Pennsylvania, on April 12.

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