  • Michele Paludi, the Elihu Root Peace Fund Visiting Professor of Women’s Studies, co-edited a two-volume book set for Praeger titled Women as Transformational Leaders: From Grassroots to Global Interests.

  • House Signs and Collegiate Fun, a book written by Associate Professor of Anthropology Chaise LaDousa, was the subject of an article in Monday’s issue of InsideHigherEd which included an interview with the author.  While in a visiting teaching position at Miami University of Ohio, LaDousa and his students analyzed the origins and meanings of house signs, complete with numerous interviews with residents of named off-campus houses.

  • Professor of Chinese De Bao Xu gave the keynote speech at the 47th International Conference on Elementary Chinese Education (ICECE) held July 20-22 at the University of Zhengzhou Normal University, Henan Province, China. Xu’s address focused on macro Chinese education.

  • L’impair de la nation by Associate Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali was introduced to the Congolese public by Groupe L’Avenir and Digital Congonet, two major Congolese news groups.

  • Years of dedicated research, writing and design have culminated in the publishing of On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College. On Wednesday, Aug. 24, from 1:30-2:30 p.m., Maurice Isserman, the Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History and the book’s author, will speak briefly about the book and sign copies in the  Burke Library Browsing Room.

  • Associate Dean of Students for Off-Campus Study Carol Drogus and Professor of Government Stephen Orvis published the 2nd edition of their textbook Introducing Comparative Politics: Concepts and Cases in Context with CQ Press (a division of Sage), Washington, D.C.

  • How to Determine the Meaning of a Sacred Text, a collection of 22 essays by Walcott-Bartlett Professor of Religion Jay Williams ’54, was recently published by Edwin Mellen Press. The essays, written over a period of almost 40 years, cover a variety of subjects including mythology, the Hebrew scriptures, Confucian texts, Buddhist texts, gospels and classical spiritual poetry.

  • The fourth edition of America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s, written by Maurice Isserman, the Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History, and Georgetown Professor of History Michael Kazin, has been published by Oxford University Press.

  • Director of Special Collections Christian Goodwillie has published two articles and a book this spring. Hancock Shaker Village: A History and Guidebook (co-authored with John Harlow Ott) presents new research into the former village site of the Hancock Shaker community, now a museum in western Massachusetts.

  • Ernest Williams, the Christian A. Johnson Excellence in Teaching Professor of Biology, presented a gallery talk on June 19 at the Arts Center in Old Forge, N.Y.

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