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Kit Pang ’10 represented CNY Biztalkers, the New Hartford chapter of Toastmasters International, at the District Tall Tales Contest on May 5 in Rochester, N.Y.
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Reverend Colleen (Hallagan) Preuninger ’06 has been named United Methodist ecumenical chaplain at Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel, effective July 1.
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Following a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, the election of Howard D. Morgan ’84 as Chair was announced.
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This August, Eliza Howe ’13, Rob Toste ’08 and Michael Evans ’05 will be traveling to Havana, Cuba, to participate in service work through Full Court Peace.
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Selena Coppock '02 wrote a book The New Rules for Blondes which is a collection of humorous essays celebrating and subverting the blonde stereotype.