
The Problem with Sculpture

Course Number: ARTH 334
Title: The Problem with Sculpture
Day & Time 1: WF 08:30AM 09:45AM
Instructor I: Giffin E
Credit: 1.00
Course Description:

Sculpture confounds many digital humanities resources. While two-dimensional artworks are the touchstone of exploration, three-dimensional objects often suffer in the digital platform, flattened into a singular, or series of photographs, spatially divorced from their contexts, and often presented without contextual scale or material significance. This course hypothesizes if this problem results from the default platform—the two-dimensional computer screen—or from art history’s approach to the medium itself. Through an exploration of early modern sculpture (1300-1700), this class tests the frameworks of digital humanities and art historical debate. Students will produce a resource on digital humanities projects, tackling head-on the problem(s) with sculpture.

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